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Phil's Pov

It was Sunday. I have nothing to do. I decided to text louise.

L= Louise
P= Phil

P- hey Louise do you want to hangout today?
L- Sure where do you wanna meet?
P- um we could meet at the park by the school?
L- sounds perfect. See ya there!
P- alright cya Louise!

I shut off my phone and put it in my pocket and walked over to my closet and got dressed, all black. I got my shoes and texted Louise and told her I was leaving. I walked out of my house into the cold crisp air of autumn.

Time skip....

I see Louise and walk over a sit down. "Hey Louise." "Hi
Phil!!" I looked down. "Phil? Are you okay?" Louise asked me. I sighed and looked up. "Louise can I tell you something?" She nodded, "I have a crush on D-Dan." "Phil, you like Dan as in Dan Howell?" I nodded, "Phil do you know how popular he is now?" I nodded, I knew I didn't have a chance.

"You know what Phil?" I looked at weirdly but nodded. "Go for it." What? "Excuse me?" She laughed, "just tell him how you feel, I mean what would could go wrong." Oh if only she knew what could go wrong.

Time skip....

"Louise it's getting dark I have to go, I'll see you at school tomorrow." She nodded and said her goodbye.

I walked home just kicking leaves aside. I walked in my house out of the cold air of autumn and strait up to my room.

I kicked off my shoes and jumped into bed and slowly drifted off into sleep

Hey everyone Izzy here I wanted to ask if you like the story so far. Because I don't know if I should write more because I don't know how good it is, anyway thanks for reading and peace out!

Also you may not have noticed this but I wrote Dan meeting Louise and Phil meeting Jack put then switched it around...yeah.... Let's just go ahead and say Dan and Jack met already and Phil and Louise met already...

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now