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Phil's POV

I woke up to the sun in my face. I got up and stretched. I walked over to my closet and got out some clothes, all black, like usual. I walked over to my bedside table, picked up my phone and Put in my backpack. I put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket, told Mum bye and walked out the door to hell. Yay.

Time skip to school..

I walked up to the gates and I saw Dan, I was about to walk over until a crowd of girls ran over to him. What's going on? I questioned.
Then I saw the typical jocks that I hated walk over to dan. There are 2 popular jocks that beat up people, personal experience, there was Alfie there 'leader' and then Marcus. I hated both of them so much. They picked dan up and put him on their shoulders and walked into the school.

I quickly followed behind trying not to get noticed. Then I realized that Alfie, Marcus, dan and me all have the same home room. I walked in and sat at my seat. Dan was over by Alfie and Marcus in the empty seat next to them. I was, how do I put it, jealous, yup that's it, I'm jealous. The teacher walked in a Alfie stood up. "Alfie sit down." Teacher walked over to their desk and sat down, Alfie still standing says, "can Dan sit with us? We don't want him sitting by that loser." He pointed to me, and everyone started laughing. I sighed I know dan isn't gonna stand up for me he probably thinks I'm a loser too. But then I realize that dan is the only one besides me not laughing. Dan stands up, "Alfie Phil is not a loser, he's actually pretty cool, you just never got to know him." He smiled. Everyone just stopped immediately when dan suddenly spoke. Did Dan just stand up for me? He did. Oh my god. "I guess your right Dan I never got to know him I just beat him up, and that wasn't right." He turned to me, "Phil, will you forgive me. So maybe we can be friends." He smiled, should I forgive him, he sounds really sincere.
Well screw it, "Sure Alfie, I forgive you." I smiled, and he returned that with his smile. That's when Marcus returned from the restroom.

The bell rang and it was time for lunch. I went to my locker and put my stuff away and locked it back up. I turned around and Alfie was there. I flinched thinking he was gonna hit me. "Phil I'm not gonna hit you, were bros now, I won't hurt you." He reasured me "Okay, sorry, I- um- what do you need?" "I was wondering if you wanted to sit by me, Dan and Marcus?" Should I, I mean Marcus could hurt me... "Um sure but Marcus could still hurt me..." He stood up strait and cleared his throat, "oh no I told him that we were cool and he didn't like it that much but he agreed to not hurting you." He told me. "Okay.." I am not sure about this.

We walked in the lunch room and saw dan and Marcus we walked over and sat down, I looked up and saw someone I didn't know. Was he new? I wondered, "Hey, Phil right?" He didn't look strong he had glasses and green hair. "Um yeah it's Phil, who are you?" "Oh me? I'm Jack." "Well nice to meet you Jack." "Nice to meet you too Phil."

Hallo everyone how did you like that chapter? Did you like how I brought Jack in? Btw it's Jacksepticeye and look I know jack doesn't have green hair now but he does in this story. Also am I the only one that misses the green hair?

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now