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Phil's pov

I turn around faster than I ever have before, hugging him tighter than ever. "Your awake." I say as if I don't believe it. "Yeah, I'm awake." I pull away from the hug and sit on his bed, "do you wanna talk?" He nodded, "Did you hear everything I said?" I asked him, hopefully he didn't but maybe he did, "yeah I did." He smiled, "now you know how I feel about you.. your going to hate me, oh no." I panicked (! at the disco) "Phil it's okay just calm down."

"I can't be calm dan, you probably hate me now because I like you.." I said blushing, "well you have nothing to scared about because I like you too." I smiled, "wait, really?" He laughed, "Yes, really." He smiled, as I fainted.

Ten mins later....

I wake up in a chair, I think I'm at the hospital. I take a quick glance around to see everything, Dans next to me asleep in his bed, then I remembered that I fainted.

I get up and walk over to dans bed. When will he be out of this place? I wonder. The doctor walks in, "Your Phil, right? ... uh Phil... Lester! Yeah your Phil Lester right?" I nod, "why?" He sighed, "Dan will be able to go home tomorrow when he wakes up and if he feels ready." I nod, "okay thanks." I sit down in the chair and fall asleep again.

Dans pov

I wake up in my hospital bed and I sit up, I turn to my left and see Phil asleep in a chair, then I realize what happened yesterday, phil said he likes me too. So are we a thing now or what? I'm over thinking to much.

I hear stirring from Phil's chair and I turn to look at him yawning, he is so adorable. "Good morning Phil." I say to him, "hi dan." He says as he sits up. "When do I go home?" I ask, "you can go home now, I can take you?" He asked, "sure." I answer and we leave.

20 mins later at dans house.

Dans pov.

We walk into my room, and sit on my bed, "Phil can we talk?" I ask him as he gets comfortable on my bed. "Uh, yeah sure." He agrees. "Soooo what about?" He asks smiling at me. "Um about... us..." his smile drops and he clears his throat, "um what about," he hesitates, "us?" He finishes, "what are we?" I ask quietly in a whisper tone, "whatever you want us to be?" He says more question like. "Can we be boyfriends?" I ask softly. He smiles and nods, "yeah, I like that, let's be boyfriends." He says.

Time skip~

We were in my bedroom watching a movie and I was laying on Phil's chest. Phil kisses the side of my head and I quickly fall asleep with my arms wrapped around my boyfriend.

Phil's pov

I look down to see dan fast asleep with small tiny snores escaping his mouth. I turn off what we were watching and quickly fall asleep too.

Hallo everyone!!!! How's it going? I FINALLY MADE IT OFFICIAL WOOOO🎉🎉🎉 anyway I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!!!!! Byeeeee

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now