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Phil's Pov.

I woke up to my alarm I hit it and it turned off, I could've broken that.. oops. I thought, I got dressed, all black, as usual. I got up and ran down stairs, "Phil why are you in such a hurry, calm down and eat your cereal." I did as I was told and ate my cereal. "Mum?" "Yes sweetie?" "Would you kick me out of the house if I was gay?" Then she paused, "Sweetie if your gay then that's ok, I don't really approve but, your my son and I love you no matter what." "Thanks Mum, I love you." "I love you to Honey" one second later I realized what time it was, "CRAP IM GONNA BE LATE!!" I grabbed my backpack and put my bowl in the sink, "Bye Mum love you!!!!" And I ran out the door.

Time skip~

I arrived and school and saw dan on the ground and Chris and pj punching and kicking him, after yesterday I'm done with there bullshit, there not gonna hurt my dan, "GET AWAY FROM DAN, NOW!!" I screamed. "Woah Lester, take a chill pill, and also what are you gonna do about it?" I bubbled up in anger. I smashed him with my fist right in the face. I backed up after hitting him and looked at my hand and back at him, I was astonished, I actually hit him.

Dans Pov. A few minutes before.

I fell to the ground and looked up and saw 2 figures. Are these the same guys from before? I thought. I then saw a 3rd figure walk up to them, is that phil? I questioned. I tried to get up from all the kicks and punch's that I got, I deserved each one, I fell back down after trying and saw the guy I think is phil punch both of the figures and he said something I couldn't tell what because my vision was blurry And I couldn't tell what was going on, then everything went black.

Phil's Pov. in the present

I realized that dan blacked out, crap, "pj, Chris, Go. Now." Pj was on he ground, "what are yo-" pj cut Chris off by saying, "dude come on let's just go." Pj got off the ground and grabbed Chris and walked off, I quickly ran to dans side and slowly shook him, "Dan wake up!" He didn't wake up, I quickly decided to pick dan up bridal style and run to the nurse, I was carful and tried not to fall even though I'm the most clumsy person.

Me and Dan arrived at the nurse, dan still blacked out. "Oh my goodness! What happened to this poor boy?" The nurse asked. "Well he got beat up, and blacked out and I carried him here." I finished. "Ok well you can hurry on back to class and I'll take care of him." She smiled. I smiled back and said, "alright ma'am." And I hurried on back to class, I ran in a walked to my desk and sat "Phil, why are you late?" "My friend got hurt and I took him to the nurse, sorry ma'am." I apologized, "It's alright Phil." And she continued teaching.

Dans P.O.V

I woke up with blurred vision and the smell of a room I'm never usually in. I had the worst headache, and tried sitting up but everything hurt. I turned to see a nurse standing there, she smiled, I smiled back. "Um Ma'am," she turned her head to me "do you know what happened?" She paused, "well from your friend he said that you got beat up and blacked out and he carried you here." I thought for a second, did Phil bring me here, "Oh alright, what period is it?" I asked "umm, last period actually, you could go get your lunch now." "Alright, thanks for helping me." I thanked her, "oh, your welcome dear, it's actually no problem." She smiled, and smiled back and left. Off to lunch....

I went in the lunch room and spotted Phil, I went and grabbed my lunch. I saw him and walked over and sat down, "Hey Phil!" He paused, "hey dan." Phil said sounding very unlike himself, "Phil are you okay?" I ask, "Yeah, I'm fine." I've been there before and I don't believe a word he just said, "are you sure?" "Yeah dan I'm fine really." Part of me wanted to scream that he wasn't and that I could help him and that I've been through that before and it's ok, on the other half I wanted to stay quiet and that's exactly what I did.

No words were spoke after that, I stayed quiet and so did Phil. The bell rang and we left the lunch room and headed to our lockers, I grabbed my stuff and started to head out. I was about to leave then someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turn around to see Phil, "Oh hey Phil, do you need anything?" "I was wondering if I could have your number, ya know so we can text and stuff." He smiled, god I love that smile it's sad that he doesn't smile more often. I write my number on a piece of paper and gave it to him, and then I waved goodbye and went home.

I was at home at got a text, I picked up my phone and saw that Phil had texted me.

Unknown- Hey dan it's Phil.
Dan- oh, hey Phil!

While I waited for him to text back I changed his name.

Phil- So what's up with you?
Dan- nothin much, wbu?
Phil- I'm just eating cereal.
Dan- that's cool.
Phil- yeah, it's delicious! Yum.

"Daniel!!! Dinners ready!" My mum shouted. "Ok Mum I'm coming!"

Dan- Phil, I gtg eat dinner, ttyl byeeee
Phil- ok dan cya.

I put my phone in my pocket and went down stairs for dinner

Time skip, after dinner..

I got up from my seat and took my plate to the sink. I cleaned it and put it away, "Thanks Mum!" I said as I ran up to my room. I climbed into bed, covered up with blankets and fell into a deep sleep..

Hey people Izzy here um idk what to say, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I think it wasn't the best but I hope you liked it. Cya later my dudes.

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now