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It's not all fluffy this time bitches~
Shits bout to get real...

"Party? Yeah me and dan will be there, bye Shane." I hang up.

"We're going to Shane's party at ten." I say as I come back into my bedroom.


"Come on dan it'll be fun."

"I guess."

~time skip to party~

Dans pov.

We walk in, me slightly behind phil. As I walk through the threshold, the smell of alcohol embraces me.

I take a quick glance around, seeing a lot of people I've never seen before.

And before I know it, I've already lost phil. "Fuck." I mutter.

Since I don't really drink, I go over and sit down on a couch and pull out my phone, scrolling through Twitter.

About an hour later, a very drunk Shane walks over to me. "Hey, d-dan." He stutters from the alcoholic drink that took over his consciousness.

"Hi Shane. Have you seen phil?" I ask.

"Yeah, He was making out with dan, or wait, your dan." He laughs and himself. I tilt my head to the side, staring at him in confusion.

I shake it off, and try and go find phil. I walk in the kitchen, what I find baffles me, I drop my drink on the ground, it shatters to pieces..

Mwahahaha I'm evil.

Anyway, would you guys answer if I had like a question thing at the end of my chapters?

I had a question in mind, do you guys think that my writing has improved a lot?

P.s I didn't mean to call y'all bitches, it was a joke lmao, you guys are honestly super sweet and I couldn't thank you enough for it!

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now