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Dans Pov

I woke up to no alarm that's strange. IM GONNA BE LATE!!!! I then soon realize that it's Saturday.

I grab my phone and send a quick text to Jack to see if he wants to possibly hangout.

GB = Jack PB= Dan

PB- Hey Jack wanna hangout today? I'm bored.
GB- Uh yeah sure dude I'll be over in 10
PB- Here's my address, *Insert address*
GB- oh yeah thanks lol
PB- lol np

I shut off my phone and Wait for Jack to get here.

10 Mins later...

I hear a knock on the door and Open it to see Jack. "Hey Jack! What's up man?"

"Hey dude! Nothing really what about you?"

"I was just waiting for you to get here." Not a lie.

"So Jack wanna play questions?" He thought for a moment, "Uh yeah sure." He smiled.

5 minuets later...

"Okay my turn... Okay, Jack what's your sexuality?"
"Um well..." he paused. "I'm... Gay.." He looked down like he was embarrassed. That's nothing to be embarrassed about. "Man there's nothing to be embarrassed about, I mean I'm gay too, so listen to me, just be yourself and don't let anyone else change you." I gave him a smile and he looked up at me and smiled too.

Jacks turn...

"Do you have a crush?" Screw it. "You know Phil, Phil Lester?" he paused for a second. "You cannot like Phil Lester," "Dan listen your popular now, and not being mean but everyone thinks Phil is a loser." I felt sad inside, no one will treat Phil that way I wont allow it. "He is not a loser Jack!" Oops I didn't mean to yell. "Sorry Jack." he looked at me and smiled, "Dan its okay." "Thanks Jack."

"Well who, do you like?" He paused, "you know Mark Fischbach?" I thought for a second, "captain of the basketball team?" "Yup."

After a long day of video games, pizza and gossip, it was time for Jack to go.

"Bye Jack I'll see you at school Monday!!"
"See ya Dan!!"

And that was the end of an amazing day...

Wellll I have a lot of things to explain...

1. Yes I'm well aware that septiplier is dead. If you guys want Jelix instead then I can change it but for now it's septiplier.

2. Your probably wondering why it says PB and GB for Jack and Dan's texting names and what it means, well I picked that because PB means Pink boi and GB means Green Boi so yeah Dan is pastel so he is pink boi and Jack has green hair so he is GB.

Fun fact: I had to rewrite one part of the story because I accidentally wrote it in Phils Pov so yeah I hoped you enjoyed BYEEEEE

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now