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Garrett's pov

"Ryland, I need to tell you something." He sighs, "come on." We head down the schools halls and into the bathroom.

Just as we walked In, Shane and phil walked out. It would've probably been dan and phil instead but dans going through to much to come to school. We waved to them and went in.

"So What is it Garrett?" He asks, annoyed. "You know Shane Dawson? The new kid?" I ask, "yes, why?" I smirk, "he has a crush on you!!" I almost shout. His face drops, "what? How do you know?" He asks, confused. "So I walked downstairs after you left the hospital and he was talking about his crush and how his crush called him cute, and you called him cute, didn't you?" I ask, "yes I did, but still, it could be anyone." He says, "Ryland, he said that right after you left, it has to be you." I tell him.

He starts blushing, "I'm going to talk to him." He replies, confidently. "Good luck dude!" I tell him and walk out.

Rylands pov

I walk into the lunch room and over to Shane's table, "hi Shane." I greet him, calmly, "h-hey." He stutters in an adorable voice, "I'm gonna go sit by Louise, bye guys!" Phil says and leaves the table.

I sit next to him, "your cute, ya know?" I blurt out, "um, thanks I guess." He says, confused.

"Shane can we talk?" I ask. "Of course." He replies, "I know you like me." I say, quietly, "what?! No I don't." He states quickly. "Oh, okay then." I slowly rise from the table and start to make my way over again, until a small voice stops me.

"Why are you leaving?" He asks, "because you don't like me Shane." I state simply, "why would it matter if I did, you don't like me, you probably like Garrett or something." He says, "Garrett is my friend! And of course I like you Shane, I've been hinting at it, why would a random person call you cute if they didn't like you? That's stupid, but you've made it obvious that you don't like me so I'm going back to my table." I huff and quickly walk back over to the table.

"Dude what's wrong?!" Garrett, asks very concerned. "He doesn't like me." He sighs, "uh Ryland?" I rise my head and turn around, the entire popular table was looking at him.

"What're you doing here loser?" Some random girl at the table said. "Don't call him that you slut." I spit at her, "Ryland, can we talk?" He asks, I reluctantly stand and walk over to him, "let's go in-" just as he said that the bell rang for everyone to go home.

We grab our bags and head outside.

"Okay, Shane what is it? It's obvious you don't lik-" I was cut off by Shane crashes his lips to mine, I place my hand on his shoulder and we slowly pull our lips apart, "-e me. Or, that changed, I guess." I said, smiling.

"Ryland, I've liked you since I saw you on the first day of school, so um," he paused for a moment.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asks, confidently, "of course." I whisper and kiss him again.

Phil's pov

I see Ryland and Shane kiss. Aw. I knew they liked each other, I mean it was painfully obvious that Shane liked him.

After that I went to the hospital to see dan.

I stepped inside of the cold, large building and saw dan immediately.

I walk over to him and pull him into a tight hug, once I pull away I look at him. He looks paler then usual, he looks as if he hasn't ate since the day Jack went into the hospital. "Hi love." I say quietly, he mumbles a hi. I sit next to him and grab his hand and squeeze it tight.

"Are you okay?" I whisper, he barley nods, "dan have you ate?" He shakes his head. I roll my eyes, "you need to eat something, at least eat a piece of toast?" I plead. "Sure." He mumbles. I smile.

I bring him a piece of toast from the hospital cafeteria and he eats it, I hand him a water bottle. He drinks some and screws the lid on tight.

"Phil, will he get better?" He asks, "of course he will, love. He won't die-" just as if on cue a doctor walks in. "Good news guys! Jacks awake! But is very tired so be quiet." She instructs us.

I look at dan but just as I do, he gets up and sprints to the room.

He opens the door, "hi jack." Dan says softly, "hey Danny." He says back with a smile. Dan hugs him tightly. "I thought you were gonna die." He says to jack. "I'm not gonna die dan." He chuckles, "but let me get my rest. Go tell Mark that I'm okay and I love him and I'll see him soon." Dan nods, "I'll tell the others your okay to." He says, jack nods and me and dan leave the room.

I intertwine our fingers, "Wanna go back to my house?" I ask, he nods slowly with a yawn, he lays his head on my shoulder.

God I love this boy so much.

Hey! A new chapter! If it's bad then I apologize, it probably is.

Anyway y'all need to go follow winterbreeze78 

They are amazing and great! They are also one of my friends and I'd appreciate it a lot if you went and followed them!

Thanks for reading the chapter and I'll see you in the next one, bye!

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now