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Here's a new chapter! Sorry I took two weeks

Jk I took two weeks on purpose

Dans pov~

I look down at the glass quickly, but once I look up, I get furious.

I run out to Shane and pull him into the kitchen, his mouth drops wide open. He starts tearing up as he turns immediately sober, reality setting in.

Phil, Ryland, making out.

I grab Shane and we walk to the near by coffee place.

We step inside and out of the cold, the bell ringing at me entered.

We get coffee and sit.

"I'm- I don't know how to feel." I look down at the table, feeling confused.

"Shane, I'm- I don't know if I should be upset or mad or-"

"Look dan, I don't know either, but we can't really do much except wait out till morning, and see if they remember? Ugh I don't know."

"You know they may remember but they just hide it because they think we won't." I point out.

"Yeah your right, I guess." He breathes out.

~time skip, 4 hours, 6:00am~

Once it starts getting to me, I instantly break down. "Shane?" I sniff.


"We've been here for 4 hours. Can we go to your tree house? Please?" I cry.

"yeah of course dan."

I ask him if he could carry me, he agrees and picks me up. I snuggle my head into his chest. we come across phil and Ryland while walking down the street.

"Hey guys do you have any-"

"Wait shane, why the hell are you carrying my boyfriend?!" Phil cuts ryland off.

Shane lets me down gently. I still stay by his side, my head on his shoulder.

"Phil leave us alone, please." Phil rolls his eyes at me and brushes past me, roughly.

Ryland follows close behind him.

Me and shane walk the opposite way, "Shane, thank you for being mature and not arguing with them, because honestly? We don't need that right now."

"It's cool." He says softly and we walk to the tree house.

We climb inside and he turns on Netflix and gets a Diet Coke.

He offers me one, but I decline.

I cuddle into him and fall asleep.

*prepares to get eaten*

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now