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Shane's pov

"So Phil, are you and Dan doing okay since yesterday?"

"I have no idea, he won't answer my texts or my calls." He sighs.

"It's okay dude, do you want me to talk to him?" I ask.

"I guess." He sighs again.

I get up from the lunch table and walk over to the 'cool' table. "Hey Dan, can we talk in the hall?" I ask, "uh, sure I guess." He tells me, "I'll be back in a second guys." He tells them and walk with me out into the hall.

"What's up shane?" I sigh, "what's with you and Phil? I'm not trying to push into your business but if he's mad because of you being mean to me, then I can tell him that it's fine? I've already told him before but I can again? I'm sorry I don't know what I'm saying." I sigh.

"I guess I'm trying to help you guys because I don't want you two to break up because of me." I sigh again.

"Shane it's okay. I'll talk to him, if it makes you feel any better." I offer. "Yes! Thank you dan!" He squeals.

We enter the cafeteria and everyones eyes turn to us, they stare for about 10 seconds before dan snaps, "what the fuck are you looking at?" Everyone snaps back to their tables and conversations.

We walk over to the table phil is or- was at? He isn't here anymore. "I wonder where he went." I question to myself.

Phil's pov

While Shane went and talked to dan, I saw Louise exit through the other lunch doors, I get up and follow her out. "Louise!" I say trying to get her attention.
"Yes phil?" She asks, turning around. "Can we talk?" I ask politely. She nods, "So me and dan haven't been very good lately, and Shane's talking to him- have you met Shane? He's cool- anyway I just don't know what to do." I sigh.

"Well, you could talk to him?" She suggests. "I mean I guess." I mumble. "Here come inside and sit with us." I nod.

We walked into the lunch room and over to the table. I notice dan and Shane walk back in and everyone looked at them. "What the fuck are you looking at?" Dan snapped at everyone. I turn back to Louise.

"Louise, do you wanna hear a joke about a pencil?" I ask, giggling. "Sure?" She says in confusion. "Never mind it's pointless." She glares at me and I burst out laughing so loudly. Some people turned to look at me. I started blushing in embarrassment and tried to stop laughing.

I get that it's a dumb joke but it was funny. I continue eating again. "So Louise-" I go to tell her something but someone cuts me off. "Phil can we talk?" He asks. I snap my head to see dan. "U-uh sure." I mumble and get up.

We walk into the hall, "yeah dan?" I ask calmly. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "I'm sorry too." I whisper back. I engulf with into a hug. I squeeze him tightly.

"I l-love you Dan." I whisper, slightly hoping that he didn't hear me.

"I love you too phil." He says when we pull away, I look up at him and smile, I kiss him, slowly pulling away shortly after.

I smile at him again and pull him into another hug.

Hallo! This is a short chapter, but the next chapter should be out soon.

Also I went to interactive introverts a couple days ago and it was amazing! Best night of my life, if you get the chance to go, you should take it, It's worth it.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now