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Phil's pov

"Are you ready yet?" I hear Shane shout from downstairs.

I hops down the stairs. "Yep, lets go get Danny boy." I smile.

He groans, "then we have to get Ryland, why didn't we just have everyone meet at Starbucks or something." He ask's. "Because it's gonna be a fun adventure! Lighten up Shane, are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah I'm fine. Let's go." He says quickly and drags me outside.

Since Ryland got his license we were all gonna go out together and do something fun.

We walked to Dans house and rung the door bell. A tall and strong looking man opened the door, I flinched.

"Who are you?" The man asked. "I'm p-phil." I stutter, this is probably his dad. I think.

"And.." He says referring to Shane. We should've told dan we were coming. I thought. "I'm Shane!" He says, excitedly, but also seemingly terrified.

"Well.. what're you doing at my house?" He asks, "oh we're looking for dan." I state simply. He turns around, "Daniel! You have friends here!" He shouts. A cute, tired looking dan, walks down the stairs and over to us.

"I didn't know you guys were coming over." He says with a yawn, "well, I was gonna call you but Shane insisted on keeping it a secret." I rolls my eyes at Shane. "Look! I didn't know okay?" He replies.

"Welp, dan are you gonna get ready and come with?" Shane asks him, "uhhh yeah sure I'll be right back out in a second." He says and shuts the door.

Dans pov

I shut the door tightly and turn around, "so, is one of those guys your boyfriend?" My mom asks, "mom!" I say and start blushing.

Ever since I came out to my parents, they have been very supportive but my mom always bugs me and asks stuff like, "do you have a boyfriend?!" Or "are you gonna get a boyfriend soon?!" Stuff like that, it's not that I don't wanna tell her I'm dating phil, it's just, I don't know if phil would be comfortable with that.

"Yeah, one of them is." I reply, "ooh! Which one?" I look outside and point to phil, "the one with the tattoos and wearing all black?" She asks, "yep." She sighs, "dan, that kid looks like he causes trouble-" I roll my eyes, "he's not like that, that's just what he likes wearing, he's actually so kind to me and I love him a lot." She nods, "I'm sorry, dan. If your happy then I'm happy for you." She smiles, "I wonder what your dad will think of him." She says

"Think of who?" My dad says as he walks into the room. "No one, just dans new boyfriend!" She shouts, I snap my head at her, "mom!" I whine, "is it the one with the tattoos, and is wearing all black?" He ask's, I nod.

"Okay then, go get ready kiddo." Mom tells me.

I run upstairs and get ready fast, as phil and Shane are outside waiting. Once I'm finished I jump down the stairs.

"Okay I'm going." I tell my parents, "bye kiddo! Don't have to much fun." She says with a wink. I go bright red, "oh my god mom!" I pause and rolls my eyes, "bye love you guys!" I shout as I walk out the door.

"Hey guys!" I greet them, "Hey Danny boy." Shane says, "oh my god Shane." I laugh, I walk over and hug phil, he pulls away, "so what're we doing today?" I ask.

"Well were going to go to rylands and since he just got his drivers license, we're going to go to fun things!" He explains.

"Yeah, were not sure what were gonna do, but I guess it'll be fun." Phil says with a chuckle.

Okay so I am SO SORRY that this chapter is like 2 weeks late, I've been caught with many things, I've been working on other books, and just school and crap. So again, I apologize and thank you for your patience.

Also because I haven't updated in like two weeks the next chapter shall be out very VERY soon! And you can trust me this time!

Sorry for the long note I just needed to explain some things!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed.

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now