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Phil's pov

Dan randomly drops my hand and runs off. I'm so confused. People around start laughing. "Ha! Did you think dan would actually date someone like you?!" Some random person shouted. I glanced around and saw that many people were either laughing or whispering.

I huff and run in the direction dan went. I'm assuming that he's in the bathroom. I checked in a few different classes and then went to the bathroom.

I hear quiet crying. "Dan?" I ask, concerned. The stall door slowly creaks open, revealing a very messed up looking dan Howell.

I engulf him in a hug. He cries into my chest and accidentally soaks my shirt.

He pulls away, "P-Phil I'm s-sorry." He stutters out. "Dan, stop, it's okay." I say softly. He pushes me away. "It's not okay phil! You deserve this!! I'm to pathetic to give it to you. You deserve better." I shake my head. "Dan you are not pathetic! And it is okay! It doesn't matter to me, if your happy I'm happy. And your the best, I don't deserve better because there is no one better then you." I smile at me.

"Okay." He says. "Let's go back to class."

We step out of the bathroom and walk down the halls, filled with a bunch of teenagers who think their better then everyone else.

We go into the classroom, and sit down next to each other. I pull out my notebook, and as soon as I do the teacher walks in. "Hello class! We have a new student here today! Everyone welcome Shane!" She exclaims, cheerfully.

He walks into the room, looking down. Huh must be shy. "Shane, you can sit by... dan and Phil!" She tells him. Dan and I raise our hands. Her walks over and sits by me.

"Hey!" I greet him, happily. "Hello." He greets me quietly. "Are you okay?" I ask, "yeah, I'm just a little shy." He blushes in embarrassment. "Aw, it's okay me and dan will be your friends! You have nothing to worry about." I smile at him and he smiles back.

The teacher starts the lesson, I mumble the stuff she's saying under my breath, while writing it down in my notebook.

"And that's- Daniel are you paying attention?" My Head snaps up at the sound of my boyfriends name. I glance over and he snaps away from the window he was just staring out of. "Yes ma'am." He says politely, "okay Daniel, don't make me catch you day dreaming again or there will be consequences." She scolds.

As she scolds him, I go back to writing down what she was previously saying. The bell rings and Shane taps me on the shoulder, "do you think you could show me where my next class is?" He asks quietly.

Honestly I don't know why he's scared of me. I dress in all black, and I have tattoos but I'm the inside I'm super kind. I don't usually do anything bad.

"Listen, just because I'm dressed in all black and everything doesn't mean anything, I'm super nice. Anyway can I see your schedule?" I ask. He hands it over and I scan over it. "We have all of the same classes." I say cheerily. He smiles.

He got out of our seats and walk down the halls to the next class. We get into the class and I go to my seat. "Everyone this is Shane! Make sure to welcome him and be nice!" She whispers something into his ear and he points at me. She then nods and he comes over and sits next to me.

She teaches her lesson but I don't really pay much attention. Yes I know that I payed a lot of attention in the last class but I don't really care anymore. I accidentally laughed out loud.

Everyone starts to stare at me. "What's so funny Lester?" The teacher asks me, "nothing I just thought of something." I respond. She scoffs and returns to the lesson.

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now