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Phil's pov

I grab my backpack going to school, and today I'm going to avoid dan, just like he avoided me. It's only fair, I guess.

I trudge to hell, and then enter hell. I enter the class and sit in my usual seat. Dan walks in a sits next to me, I huff and scoot over a little bit.

The bell rings and it's next class, and like usual I sit in my normal seat. And dan sits right next to me. Great. The teacher starts talking about something dumb and I zone off.

Are me and dan going to be good again? Like when we were friends, I'm not saying I wanna break up with him, it's just, I don't know, I wanna get past this issue and just tell everyone. It doesn't matter to me what everyone else thinks, and that shouldn't matter to dan.

I snap out of my thoughts when the teacher calls my name, "phil? What the answer to number 9?" She asks politely. "I don't know." I say truthfully, "phil don't zone out and pay attention." She pleads, I reluctantly nod my to let her know I'm paying attention.

My eyes flicker to dan and he is paying well attention. Wow shocker. My eyes go back to the board where the teacher was teaching. She starts talking about something else and then I stop paying attention again.

The teacher was going to ask me a question but I was saved by the bell and darted out of the classroom. I start walking to lunch and I see Louise, "Hey Louise!" I greet her cheerfully, "hello." She says not so happily, "something wrong?" I ask, "no, your just not the person to greet someone cheerfully."

I sigh, she's right though. "Let's just get to lunch."

About ten minutes after getting our lunches dan walks over to me. "Phil can we talk?" I shrug, "please." I sigh and reluctantly get up. I follow him into the hall, "what dan?" I ask annoyed, "phil we have to fix this, we can't just ignore the problem." I sigh, "the problem will be fixed when you decide that you can handle peoples opinions about us."

"Are you seriously mad about me not wanting to tell the entire school about us dating?" He whisper shouts, "dan I'm upset because I wanna be able to hold your hand whenever I want, or-or kiss whenever but I can't do that because you care to much about people's stupid opinions."

"Phil, I have a reputation now, I can't just throw it away." I glare at him, "so now your reputation is more important than me?" He sighs, "phil I didn't mean it like that-" I cut him off, "I thought I was important to you dan." I sigh.

"Phil, of course your important to me, your my boyfriend!" He practically shouts, "if I'm your boyfriend then why don't I feel like it?!" I shout. "I'm sorry phil." I sigh, "Dan why can't we just be a couple without worrying about what other people think?" I look over at him, "we can, tomorrow we will walk into school holding hands our something." I smile.

"That sounds great."

Time skip~ tomorrow~

Dans pov

I grab my bag and walk out the door. I'm still a little hesitant about this, I don't know why I made a decision like that so fast. I'm not usually someone to do that, but whatever made phil happy.

Ever since that day in class when I screeched that I was gay, it's been weird between me and alfie, like we're still friends but it's kinda awkward. It's not that he wasn't supportive, he is, but it's just awkward.

I see phil and I run up to him, "Hey!" I greet him. "Hey dan!" He greets back. I gently grab his hand and intertwine our fingers. "Are you gonna run away this time?" He asks, "no I'm not, I promise." I squeeze his hand a little, "Good." He replies.

We arrive at the school. "Are you ready?" I ask him softly. He nods in response. I push open the huge, loud, and metal doors, with my one hand.

As the doors shut behind us we start walking down the hall. I start to sweat as all eyes in the hall turn to us. I begin to hear the whispering. It's a mix of  'why is dan holding hands with that idiot.' Or 'are they dating because they'd be a cute couple' the first one is the one I hear the most. Which is sad.

I feel the voices getting louder, which there not actually but I feel like it. I start to sweat even more. My breathing starts to shallow. I turn to phil and he's smiling brightly. I gulp.

I do something I might regret. I drop Phil's hand and sprint to the bathroom. I can't take anymore. I push open the door and quickly get into a stall and lock it. My heavy breathing turns into small crying.

I'm so pathetic. I can't even walk into school holding hands with my boyfriend, because I'm to terrified about what other people think.

I'm so- "dan?" I hear the sound of Phil's concerned voice. I sniff and open the stall door. Phil engulfs me in a hug. I quietly cry into his chest and accidentally soak his shirt.

I pull away, "P-Phil I'm s-sorry." I stutter out. "Dan, stop, it's okay." He says softly. I push him away. "It's not okay phil! You deserve this!! I'm to pathetic to give it to you. You deserve better." Phil shakes his head. "Dan you are not pathetic! And it is okay! It doesn't matter to me, if your happy I'm happy. And your the best, I don't deserve better because there is no one better then you." He smiles at me.

"Okay." I say. "Let's go back to class."

I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in like years! But yeah I hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter.

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now