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Dans pov

I open my eyes slightly, squinting as I see a bright light seep though the blinds.

I sit up straight and rub my eyes to make my Vision more clear. As I stand up I almost fall over due to clumsiness.

My phone lights up as I get dressed, once fully dressed I pick it up sliding my finger gently across it, to unlock the phone.

Once entering my passcode I see phil texted me.


Your probably wondering why your in your bed as you fell asleep in my arms last night at the carnival, I took you home before it got to late. Your parents were sleeping so hopefully they didn't notice that you were gone lol. But yeah anyway, when you wake up text me back and go to the woods down your road. Love you Danny!💞

I smile brightly at my boyfriends text and put my shoes on. Texting him back telling him I'll be there in ten.

I step outside and onto the soft, light grass. I let out a shaky breath as I realize I'm half way there and I should've brought a coat. I am dumb.

I see phil and run over to him, jumping on him and wrapping my arms around his neck, he pulls me up and swings me around, once he stops I lean my forehead against his and stare deep into his eyes.

I sigh inside. How did I get so lucky?

Not sure.

Phil let me down but I stayed wrapped around him as I was cold as hell.

"Why didn't you bring a jacket, love?" He ask's. I shrug as he wraps his arms around me, "can we go to your house philly?" I ask, "of course, my mums not home so we have the entire house to ourselves." I nod.



"I love you."

"I love you too dan." He smiles at me.

Do you guys know the song,
'the village' ?

It's my favorite song, if you haven't you should look it up.

Also next chapter should be out like... immediately after this one, or like soon or something I don't know.

P.s you guys are the best, thanks for all the love! I Love you guys so much <3

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now