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Since you guys wanted me to continue, have chapter 25!


Shane's pov

I glance over at dan asleep in Phil's arms. It makes me miss Ryland a lot. But from what phil explained I'm not sure I wanna see him ever again. I sigh to myself.

"Shane? You okay?" I hear Phil's voice from across the room. "No not really." I reply, truthfully. He slips out from under dan and walks over to me. He sits down next to me, crisscross on the floor.

"What's up? Tell me what's going on." He says. "I just miss Ryland. But from what you told I don't think I wanna see him ever again." Phil nods, "yeah I see how you wouldn't wanna see him. Do you think you would take him back if he apologized?" I shake my head, "I don't think so, I mean he did do it on purpose."

"He texted me earlier and asked if you could see him." Phil replies. "But if you don't wanna see him that's okay-" "no it's okay. Do you wanna come with?" I ask.

"If you don't mind sure. Just let me wright a note for dan." I nod and grab my jacket and shoes. Phil finishes writing the note for dan and we exit the tree house.

We start walking down the cold, hard side walk. "Where are we supposed to meet him?" I ask, "star bucks." Phil replies. I nod slowly and we keep walking.

We reach the star bucks and step inside. Warm air from the inside of the place filling where the cold used to be. We take a seat near a window.

Phil calls Ryland.

"When are you gonna get here?"

"I'll be there soon! I'm down the road."

"Whatever dude." Phil says and hangs up. "He said he'd be here soon-" Ryland interrupts Phil by rushing through the door.

He hurriedly comes and takes a seat next to phil. "Hey, sorry I'm late." He says, out of breath. I take one look at him in the eyes and I swear I could start sobbing. Did I really forget what he did to me? Am I really gonna except what he did and then forget about it?

"What do you have to say?" I snap. He stares at me. "Shane I'm so sorry I didn't mean-" I cut him off, "you didn't mean what? To cheat on me? To do it on purpose?" I scoff and look away from him.

Tears start streaming down rylands face, "Shane I swear to god! I love you so fucking much and I'm sorry. There's nothing I can say, I did it. It was a shitty thing to do. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He replies, crying even more.

"Your going to have to earn my trust back. I don't give second chances easily Ryland. So prove it this time." I state quickly and walk out of the star bucks and walk back to the tree house.

I climb up the ladder and enter the door. I look over and see dan wide awake and staring at the floor. "You okay?" I ask, he jumps a little and looks at me, "yeah I'm good. Just thinking." I look at him confused.

"Thinking 'bout what?" I ask, curious. "If forgiving Phil was the best choice..."

Okay don't kill me.

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now