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Dans pov

Me and Phil were getting ready for school. I grabbed my backpack and was about to walk out the door, "come on phil hurry up!!" I shouted, "coming!" He shouted back and ran down the steps, "so are we going to act... how do I put this, couple like?" He asked, "well if your comfortable with doing that then yeah why not?" He took a deep breath, "yeah okay let's go." He says and grabs my hand.

We're on the way to school hand in hand, we were about a block away from school and somebody drives by us and slows down, I stop and they roll down there window, "Hey you stupid gays, you deserve to go die in a hole!!" The person yells at me and phil, phil tries to grab my hand and leave but I don't go, "I'm sorry for being who I am sir." I say proudly, he took the drink that he was drinking and threw it on me getting me, all soaked. "Bye gay boy!" He says and drives off, Phil just now noticed be being soaked, "oh dan! We can go back to get you changed?" He offered, "I'm fine." I snap and run to school leaving phil behind.

I get to school and realize that I might not be ready to show off my relationship with phil just yet, cause I don't want him getting hurt because I'm dating him, well I need new clothes, I run to go look for Alfie...

Phil's pov

Dan says he's fine and just sprints off into the distance toward the school, I stand there, I can't believe he would do that, I trudge off to school because I don't wanna be late or teacher will yell at me, well she is a really nice teacher but, I'm usually late so I need to get going, I sprint to the school, walking into the huge building and finding my classroom, I went to my seat and sat down, today is going to be a long day...

Dans pov

Alfie gave me new clothes they fit well, which is good, I walk into to class and sit next to phil, "Hey." I greet him, "Don't talk to me." He says and gets up and moves. I sigh, I, I have no excuse for that I shouldn't of done it.

I see Alfie walks in the class and I go over to him to sit down, "Hey what's up?" I just sigh in response, "did something happen between you and," he paused trying to remember his name, "Phil." I say firmly, "yeah you and, Phil?" I sigh again, "I'll tell you but you can't say anything, got it?" He nods. "I'm dating phil." I say simply, I turn and look at him and he looks so surprised, "what?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"You and phil really? I expected you to date Louise or something." "IM GAY ALFIE DONT YOU GET IT." I screech, everyone's eyes on me and I am terrified, even Phil's eyes are on me, "I'm going to the bathroom," I say and get up and leave.

My walk to the bathroom is short and quick I go into the bathroom and wash my face off, "I shouldn't of yelled that." I say quietly to myself, I sigh. I start crying because I hurt phil and he's to precious and amazing to be hurt. I didn't notice hat someone walked in the room until he wrapped there arms around me, "It's okay dan it's just me." Phil says softly and quietly, "I'm sorry phil I shouldn't have ran off and-" he interrupts me and says, "I should have forgiven you and not have been stubborn."

We leave the bathroom shortly after, that moment, we walk into class and sit down next to each other.

later that day I've already heard so many rumors about me and Phil dating it's crazy, I grab Phil's hand and run with him out of school.

"Follow me." I whisper.

And then I sprint into the woods and phil is close behind, I abruptly stop, and phil runs into me, I reach out my hand cause he fell and he gets back up, I lead him into a cave type thing, it has pretty cherry blossom trees and all sorts of Amazing beautiful things like phil, "do you like it?" I ask. He looks at everything in awe, "it's beautiful, just like you." He says.

We stared into each others eyes for a while, I look straight into his blue ocean eyes, I could swim in his eyes they are that blue, his eyes are so bright and vibrant, it's beautiful.

I did something I never thought I would ever do before, I lean in and he leans in to, and we... kiss, it was the most amazing thing I've ever felt, his lips against mine, our lips fit so perfectly together, like a puzzle. I only have one statement right now.

I think I'm in love with phil Lester....


High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now