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Phil's pov

"Phil you didn't need to get so pissed-" I cut off Ryland, "He was carrying my boyfriend." I hiss at him.

"Listen man, you just need to calm down, it's nothing to get so mad over." He explains.

"Fine. Question, do you remember anything from last night? because I feel like we did something."

His eyes widen. "I-I well, n-no I don't. Sorry." He replies, fast, with a stutter.

"Are you lying?" I press. "N-no." He looks at the ground, "you do! What happened? Did something bad happened?"

"Look!" He hisses, glaring at me.

"Yes we did do something, something not good." He sighs, "what'd we do?" I ask.

"We... made out.." my eyes widen.

"No we did not! Your kidding?!"

"I'm not kidding, and even worse, I watched Shane start crying at the sight. I was completely sober, I did it on purpose..." He trails off.

"RYLAND! How fucking dare you! Do you even like Shane?!" I shout at him.

"Yes! Of course I like Shane! How dare you question that!"

"Well you were completely sober when your lips were touching mine. So I have the right to question!"

"Well fuck you Phil!"

"I feel disgusting! I'm leaving to go find dan."

I run out and down to dan's house. I bang on the door with tears welling up in my eyes, "yes?" His dad answers the door.

"Is dan here?!"

"Nope sorry." He shuts the door.


I turn around and sprint to the last place I could think of, Shane's tree house

I stop to catch my breath, I lean up against the tree and break down. I'm a damn fool, even if i was drunk, I should've threw Ryland off of me and to another fucking planet.

Once gaining back my breath, I slowly reach up to climb the ladder. I reach the top of the ladder and knock on the door.

The door opens to reveal a tired looking dan, hair a mess, red, puffy eyes. In one of Shane's hoodies, making him look tiny.

"What do you want?" He ask's his voice breaking. My heart shatters at the sight.

"Dan, baby, I swear to you that I never meant to do that with Ryland. I swear on my life, I am in love with you, I want no one else. And yes if you don't want to talk to me ever again it's understandable I just-" before I could finish. Dan pulled me into the tree house.

"Dan I thought-" dan presses his lips to Mine to shush me.

Dan pulls away and stares deeply into my eyes, "Listen here dammit," he slapped Me hard across the face, "I deserved that." I mumbled. "Don't ever, and I mean, ever, do that to me again or you'll fucking regret it." Dan backs up from me.

"Okay, Okay, I swear." I chuckled and wrapped arms around him and melted into the hug.

Hey I haven't updated...

In a while, *cough*

SO anywAY

Thank iiastrobxbeii
For this chapter being out now instead of 2 years later because I procrastinate... a lot. *cough*

Anyway yes follow them because they're amazing and stuff kay bye.

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now