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Dans pov

As phil and I walk through the park hand in hand I say, "I'm sorry again, for everything I did to you, I was an asshole." I sigh. "Dan I told you, it's okay." He smiles.

"Okay." I say softly.

We sit down at a bench and my phone rings, I mumble a sorry to phil and I answer it. "What the fuck do you want Ryland?" I ask him annoyed. "Wait what? You joking, shit I'll be right there don't move." I say quickly and hang up.

"Phil come on." I say, starting to panic. "Baby, calm down, breath and tell me what's going on." He says gently, "jacks in the h-hospital. We need to g-go." I stutter.

Phil grabs my hand and we run all the way to the hospital, taking a few breaks here and there.

I run right into the large building and to the secretary's desk. "Yes?" She asks, "I need to see my friend." I state. "Name?"
"Sean mcloughlin" I say quickly. "Room 201." Once I hear that I practically sprint to the room.

I open the door and see jack on the bed hooked up to loads of machines. "What happened?" I ask, frantically. "We we're walking to the diner by the school and we went to c-cross the r-road." I cut him off by pulling him into a hug, understanding what happened.

I pull away slowly, "Ryland, he'll be fine, okay?" I try to tell him, "dan you don't know that." He whispers. "Ryland I don't give a fuck, he is my best friend and he WILL live! Okay?!" I yell, he started crying more. "Shit, Ryland please im sorry I didn't mean to do that. I'm just scared-"
He sighs. "I know, it's okay, dan it's fine."

"I need a minute, I'll be back." I say, quietly and walk out.

I spot phil and walk over. "Dan are you okay?" He asks, concerned. "No, phil, I'm not fucking okay, my best friend could die right now, you think I'm okay?" I snap at him. "Dan, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I just-" I cut him off, "I'm going for a walk." I tell him and walk out of the hospital.

I start walking, why did this happen? Jacks innocent, he didn't do anything to anyone, he's to young to die. He won't. I won't let him die. I can't, I'll be lost without him, he's my best friend.

I sigh as I sit down on a bench. This is not fair. He didn't do anything to deserve this.

Now I'm scared if he's gonna live or not, I can't imagine how Mark is right now.

Just as I think that I turn and see Mark walking over, "Hey man." He says quietly.
"Hey. Are you okay?" I ask, "nope, I'm not, when the one person you love so much is in a hospital and could die, how could you be okay?" He asks in a whisper.

"Yeah that's true." I lean on his shoulder. "Mark, I don't want him to die." I say, starting to tear up, he brings me into a hug, "me either, Dan, but we can't do anything, and that's the sucky part." He explains with a sigh.

"Why did this have to happen? Jack didn't do anything to anyone! It's not fair." I say, starting to full on cry. "Dan keep your head high and have a positive mindset, he'll be okay." He whispers, "okay." I say, almost Inaudible.

He pulls me into a warm embrace, I kinda snuggle into him. We pull away, "thanks mark." I smile at him and sniff. "We're friends dan, no need to thank me." He grins.

"Should we head back to the hospital?" I ask, he nods, we get up and start walking back.

Once we reach the sliding doors, we step inside. Phil immediately runs over to me. "Hi dan, hi mark." Mark politely waved back. "Hey phil." I greet him, quietly.

Mark goes upstairs and I'm left with Phil, "I'm sorry dan." He says, quietly. "It's okay phil, it's just, a lot to process." I explain with a sigh. "Okay, so I didn't know when you'd get back so I called Shane and asked him if he'd come to the hospital and be here with me while you guys were with jack, I hope that's fine." He says, "oh yeah, it's cool, I'm gonna head up now, so have a good time with Shane." I smile at him and head upstairs.

Shane's pov

So phil asked if I could come up to the hospital, I'm not sure why he asked me this but I didn't ask questions and I just agreed.

I got to the place and slipped inside. As soon as I spot phil I strut on over. "Hey phil, what's going on?" I ask, slightly concerned. "Jack from the popular group got hit by a car and dans his best friend so he's not doing so well." He sighs, "oh. That sucks dude." I tell him.

"Also your crush is here." My fact lights up. "Really?" I almost squeal. I cover my mouth with my hand, "I'm sorry." I apologize. "It's cool. I could take you upstairs and you could talk to him?" He suggests, I shake my head, "nah. He's probably going through a tough time to, he doesn't need me to go bother him-" as if on cue Ryland walks into the room.

"Hey phil. I came to tell you that dan said he's probably spending the night." Phil nods, "thanks Ry." He says, "no problem man. Anyway, who are you cutie?" He asks me. My face goes red, did he call me a cutie?

"Oh, um I'm S-Shane." I mentally slap myself for stuttering. "Nice to meet you Shane. I'm Ryland, as you probably already know." He chuckles. "Well I'm gonna head home, see you tomorrow phil," he says to phil, he waves to Ryland and goes back on his phone. "Bye Shane." He says with a wink and walks out of the hospital.

My face goes red again, "phil, did that just happen?!" I almost scream. "Yes it did, calm down dude." I start jumping around the room, "my crush called me cute dude!" I shout.

"Uh, phil?" I hear a voice from across the room and I stop and stand there awkwardly, "oh, hey." Phil says to him. I scratch the back of my neck and turn to phil. 'Did he hear any of that?' I mouth to him, 'I don't know so?' He mouths back and shrugs.

"So, who are you?" The boy I don't know asks me and I snap my head towards him. "Me?" I ask, stupidly, "well yeah, who else?" He asks, "oh I'm Shane." I say, confidently. "Nice, I'm Garrett." He says, "Well I'm gonna go home, phil, you heard about dan right?" He asks, phil continued to look at his phone but gave him a thumbs up.

"Alright, cool." He says and walks out.

"Imma head home to phil," phil just gives me a thumbs up, I roll my eyes and walk out, going home.

This chapter is shit and I know that, and I haven't updated this story in a while but I will hopefully be updating a lot more, anyway I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter, bye!

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