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Dans pov

I'm not sure why I'm not ready to tell people about me and phil. I'm currently walking to school, without phil. I just don't understand why I'm to scared.

I almost hit a pole because of how much I'm thinking right now it, I quickly move out of the way of the pole and continue walking to school.

I see the school in sight and look down at my watch, I have two minutes, great. I sprint toward the school and sit down in my classroom. I look around for phil and he is in the back. Alfie comes and sits next to me. "Dude I'm sorry about reacting like that during class yesterday, it was rude and uncalled for."

Wow alfie being genuine, that's a surprise. Maybe it's because of how popular I've been getting. If that's the reason, then Alfie isn't genuine, I'm not saying I would be surprised if that's the actual reason though.

I shrug it off because I don't really care about his "apology". I stop paying attention to him and go back to my work.

The bell rings and it's time for everyone to go to lunch, and then home. I grab my stuff and shove it in my locker. Slamming my locker shut, I walk toward the cafeteria to get lunch.

I walk in and get whatever they are serving and look around for a table. I glance at every single table and I don't see phil, I shrug, he's probably at the library. I look over to see Jack waving me over. I happily strut over to the table and sit.

"What's up Jack?" I ask.

"Mark asked me out." He says surprisingly.

"Seriously? That's great dude!" I shout.

"How are you and phil?" He asks.

"We're dating." I say in a whisper.

"WHAT?! And you never told me?!?" He asks in an offended tone.

"I thought we were best friends." He says laughing. I laugh along, "I have a question." I say, "do you wanna come over?" I ask him. "Yeah sure."

We throw away our lunch's and walk to our lockers. I grab my backpack and so does Jack, we walk outside school to see Louise and phil in a super tight hug. They pull away and Louise takes his hand and whispers something.

"Are you suspicious?" Jack whispers and makes me jump, "no, I just, let's go!" I say before grabbing jacks wrist and running to my house, giggling and laughing all the way. We enter my house, and run up to my room. "So what'd you wanna do?" I hum, "we could play Mario kart?" I suggest, "Yes!!" He shouts as I get the game out.

Time skip~

I beat him for the third time, "this isn't fair!" Jack shouts, "come on it's late you should probably get home." He nods, "yeah your right." I throw him his bag and we exchange our goodbyes and he leaves. I grab my phone to see 10 missed calls from 'phil💕' and 20 messages from, 'phil💕' I reply immediately.

Dan: hey phil! Sorry I couldn't reply I was busy.
Phil💕: to busy to simply text back?
Dan: sorry..
Phil💕: not only did you completely ignore me at school, you skipped away to your house with Jack and I try to contact you and then you ignore all of my messages for 3 hours. 'Sorry' doesn't cut it..
Dan: phil I'm so sorry, I promise we can tell the whole school tomorrow, if you want.
Phil💕: I don't want that, and I really don't care about that anymore, I gtg bye dan..
Dan: bye phil...

I really screwed it up this time, didn't I..?

Did you miss me?

(Sorry this is short btw)

High school!! Pastel dan x Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now