Ava's Day

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"I'm not late, am I?" I slide into the open seat between Brad and my parents "I got stuck in traffic."

"No, her class is next. But you missed a kid that decided to scream the whole time over the rest of the class. That was funny." Brad pulls me closer "She's going to be looking for us. She told me this morning."

"I can't wait to see it. Even if she just looks here the whole time instead of doing what she's supposed to."

"Was she excited earlier?" Sherry asks "She was telling us about it yesterday."

"Yeah, wouldn't stop talking the whole way here. I tuned her out eventually." Brad laughs as the group that's on stage now walks off "I wouldn't be surprised if she's running and jumping the whole way to her spot."

Her class lines up and we look for her on the side. My dad points her out, and as soon as we wave, she jumps around waving back at us, almost losing her spot and messing up the whole line.

They get up to the stage, and of course she's right in the front since she's so short. The music starts and instead of singing along with it, her and the kid next to her jump and dance completely out of sync with the rest of the class. She smiles at us the whole time as if it's her own little show.

"She is such your mini-me. It's ridiculous." My dad leans towards me whispering "Sometimes I wonder if she's even Brad's or if her real dad is someone who looks like you."

"Dad!" I try not to laugh "Her dad is Brad. We all know I'm a shitty liar and wouldn't be able to keep that secret."

"She's right. She can't even lie about whether or not she ate a whole cake for dinner before coming home." Brad looks up at Ava who has now decided to stand still and not open her mouth at all "Little brat won't do anything now."

"Wonder who she gets that from." I whisper towards Brad "Definitely not me."

"Not at all."

The show continues for a few more minutes, with Avalynn changing what she does every few seconds. She continues to watch us fiercely, making sure we're all paying attention.

Ava surprises us all by finally singing in sync with the rest of her class for the last song they preform. She dances around with them perfectly, even managing to finish the song on time with them.

"Holy crap. She does listen to what she's supposed to do." Sherry laughs as we get up to meet her "That's a first."

We walk out to the waiting room and buy her some flowers while we wait for her class to walk out. She finds us right away, running up to us with a huge smile on her face.

"You were amazing, princess!" Brad picks her up "We loved your dancing."

"And your jumping was perfect." My dad hands her the candy him and Sherry bought for her "You did so good being on stage."

"I loved it!" She says, jumping around in Brad's arms "I was like mommy!"

"Aw honey, you were even better than I am." I take her from Brad "I can't wait to see your next show."

After talking for a while, Sherry decides we should all go out.

"I think Ava deserves some celebratory ice cream."

We all meet up at her favorite ice cream place, where she again reminds us about how she'll be 5 soon, and because of that she needs extra ice cream and sprinkles. She negotiates as much as she can, finally agreeing with us on 3 scoops and chocolate syrup along with her sprinkles.

"Thanks daddy." She happily takes the bowl from Brad and runs to where my parents are at a table.

"She's so cute, trying to act like she won't turn into a complete monster as soon as she starts eating that." Brad hands me my cone "I think she's laughing at us inside for giving it to her."

"I'm not sure if she is, but everyone else here definitely is. We'll pay for it later."

"Can I stay at your house?" Ava cutely looks up at Sherry "Please?"

"Not with all that sugar." My dad answers jokingly, but immediately takes it back when she starts to look upset "Okay, you can but you have to sleep in your bed."

"Are you sure you want her?" Brad asks, knowing how she's going to be in a few hours "It'll be late until she finally crashes."

"Yeah, we love having her with us. She makes it more fun." Sherry smiles at Ava, who is completely covered in ice cream "You can't say no to that face."

We finish eating everything and Brad and I go home while Ava goes right with my parents for the night.

"It was nice of them to watch her." He wraps his arms around me as we walk inside "We needed a break."

"I know." I turn around to kiss him "You ready for bed?"

"Since they agreed to keeping her." He smirks, carrying me up to our room.

He gently lays me down on the bed kissing me passionately. I fight with the buttons on his shirt, hating how hard it is to get them undone.

"Why do you wear this thing?" I pant heavily between kisses "It's a pain in the ass."

"Because it's my favorite." He stops working on my shirt to help get his off.

"Well this is romatic." He jokes, sitting next to where I'm laying, trying to undo it.

"Just come back here." I beg "I'll get it."

He hovers over me again, this time kissing my neck and chest as I finally give up on his shirt. I find the pocket and pull down on it, ripping the whole thing in half.

"What the fuck." He bitches "I love this shirt."

"Do you wanna have sex or not?"

He answers by moving on further down my body. I grab his belt, undoing it and throwing it down to the bottom of the bed.

I look deeply in his eyes, knowing we both need each other, and pull him closer for a steamy kiss. The kiss gets more passionate by the second, leaving us both grasping for air. I slither under him, slowly inching towards his huge, rock hard bulge, and shove my hand down his boxers to play with it. He moans deeply as I stroke it, begging for more.

I quickly slide the boxers off of him, giving him the hint to move on with me. He takes it, leaving a trail of kisses down my body.

The heat from his breath drives me crazy with need. I hardly control myself as he reaches the band of my panties, continuing to drive me crazy.

I shrug as he pulls off the panties, egging him on for more. He uses his fingers as a tease, causing me to go weak under him.

I decide to show him what he's doing to me, reaching for his rock hard bulge again. We moan in sync, both needing each other more than ever.

He quickly puts an end to the playing and enters me. I moan deeply with each thrust as they get deeper and faster by the second. He continues to thrust as he makes his way back up to my lips for one last kiss before we both finish.

"I love you." He pants heavily as he rolls off of me.

"I love you too." I smile satisfied.

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