Brad gets his Eyebrows Waxed

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"Go back to your bed," I sigh, trying to get Kassie to stay out of our room for once "You need to sleep."

"Momma I sleep here!" She fights back, waking Brad "Not my bed."

"Kassie come over here." Brad sits up slightly, nudging me to wake up "Why aren't you in bed?"

"I sleep here!"

"She's not going to sleep, Brad. She just isn't."

I lean on him slightly as I drift in and out of sleep, trying to make sure he doesn't give in and let her stay here.

"You need to be in your room. That's why you got your new bed. Ava sleeps in her room." Brad goes to get out once she climbs up, but she quickly jumps down and sits on the floor complaining.

"Kassidy," I sigh, almost ready to just let her lay with us so I can sleep "If you go to your room you'll be really comfortable."

"Daddy come with."

Brad reluctantly gets out of bed, knowing it's probably a trap, and I finally get to lay back down.

"Hey, mommy."

I turn to see Ava has climbed on the bed and is staring right at me.

"I'm hungry."

"Honey it's way too early. Go back to bed."

"I want a cracker."

I hand her one of the crackers I have on my night table and she quickly hops off the bed to go back to her room.

"They're both in Kassie's bed." Brad walks back in a few minutes later, half asleep "They didn't want to sleep alone."

I roll over to look at him and notice something different.

"Brad, have your eyebrows always been that bushy?"

"What the hell kind of question is that?" He gets his phone out to look through the camera "They look the same as yesterday."

"They look really weird."

"I love you too."

"You should come with to my hair appointment later. Chris can have someone work on them while he does my hair." I suggest, watching as he quickly rejects the offer "You'll look so much better."

"I don't know if I've ever loved you more." He rolls his eyes, laying down "I am not getting my eyebrows done just so you can go talk about it to the world."

"The appointment is at 1:30. Be ready by 1."

"But what about the girls?"

"They can come with."

I roll over, snuggling up to him as I'm finally able to fall back asleep until the girls see any sign of daylight.

I get a good two hours of sleep before I'm woken up again, this time by both girls staring at me as they poke me in the face.

"I'm buying your bedrooms black curtains."

I get out of bed, nudging Brad until he wakes up in the process and follow the girls downstairs to the kitchen where they expect some form of breakfast out of the 3 food items left in the house.

"Daddy ate everything." Ava shrugs, walking away in defeat "I think we need to go to the store."

"Yeah, I think you're right." I look around through the cabinets, hoping something magically appears "We have toast, do you guys want that?"

"Yeah!" Kassie gets excited, not having any idea what she's agreed to "I eat toast!"

I make the toast and dig around until I find some jelly to put on it, knowing they won't even touch it plain.

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