Drama Awakens?

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Brad's POV:

"Daddy, someone's here!" Ava runs into the kitchen to find me "Can I open?"

"No you can't open the door." I walk through to the front of the house with her "You know you can't open the door."

I make her wait at my side as I open it only to be greeted by my mother in law, who looks very pissed. Of course, this is the first I've ever seen her in person and Jen isn't home, so I have absolutely no idea what to do.

"Where's Jennifer?" She walks past me, into the house "I need to talk to her."

"She's not home. She went out for a massage." I shut the door, guessing she won't be leaving anytime soon "Do you wanna tell me what's going on?"

"Not really. I wanna talk to my daughter about why she won't let me in her life." She walks through the house, looking at everything "It's been long enough, it's time."

"Daddy she was mean to mommy before." Ava whispers, referring to whatever happened in New York "I don't want her."

"I know, Ava.  Just stay with me." I pick her up, feeling like I need to keep her away "Be nice, okay?"

"I can't believe my granddaughter is 5 and I never got to see her.  I didn't even know my own daughter was pregnant before the media did.  Do you have any idea how upsetting that is?"

"Look, I don't want to get in the middle of this, but I was there with Jen through everything and I know she had good reasons."  I start to get defensive "She didn't want to hide things from you, and she definitely didn't want to keep Avalynn from you, but she didn't think she could trust you... and to he honest, based on what happened I don't blame her."

She moves on to the couch, sitting quietly as she continues to look around the room.  I notice her paying extra attention to one of our wedding pictures, and one of us in the hospital when Ava was born.  She stares at them continuously until we all hear the back door open. 

"I want mommy." Ava jumps out of my arms, running up to Jen.  I quickly follow, wanting to warn Jen about her mom.

"Hey," I walk up to kiss her "Just so you know, your mom is in there."

"What?" She looks at me confused "Why would my mom be here?  She's pissed at me... and she lives in New York.  How did she even get here?"

"I don't know." Ava replies.

I try not to laugh at her, and answer Jen.

"She just came to the door about 20 minutes ago.  I think I pissed her off, so have fun."

"I can hear you talking about me." Nancy walks into the room, clearly annoyed "I didn't realize I was that unwanted."

"Mom." Jen sighs, turning towards her "It's just a surprise.  We weren't expecting you to be here."

"Obviously since I haven't ever been invited." She mumbles under her breath. 

"Cause you're mean to mommy." Ava says smartly "That's not nice."

"Avalynn, stop.  She's your grandmother and I told you to be nice to her." I grab her hand, pulling her away "Go play with your toys.  Let us talk."

She reluctantly walks over to where all her toys are, playing very quietly so she can still hear our conversation.

"Seems like the smartass gene didn't fall far from the tree." Nancy remarks "Nice to know how she's being raised."

"Yeah well, she gets it from you." Jen turns away, putting all her stuff down "What are you doing here, mom?  Why did you just randomly show up?"

"Because I'm sick of this.  I'm sick of feeling like I don't know anything, or that I don't belong in your life.  I want to move on."

Jen looks over at me, ready to burst into tears, and I don't know if I should jump in and help, or keep myself out of it.

"I don't want you to feel that way, I really don't.  It's just that I don't know how I'm supposed to trust you." Jen starts to cry "It just seems like every time you find out something you're ready to use it against me, or us.  I just don't need that in my life, and my family doesn't either.  Until I know you're done with that I just can't let you in my life..."

"But I want to be done with that!" Namcy cuts her off "I just need one more chance.  Just leg me prove to you that I love you, I love my family and I genuinely want to be involved. I miss you, Jen."

"I miss you too, mom, but it's not that easy.  I can't chance it.  I'm sorry." Jen watches Ava play, before turning towards the huge pile of baby clothes we have "I can't chance my children's lives being put out for the public more than they already are."

"I know I messed up.  I don't expect you to have me here for everything, but can't we just try?  Try to communicate at least a little?" Nancy practically begs "I'm trying not to ask for too much."

"We can try.  I've been wanting to try, but you have to know your limits.  You have to understand that I don't feel comfortable telling you certain things because I know I can't trust you yet.  I want to believe that you changed, I really do, but I need proof."

Nancy surprises both of us by walking up to Jen and hugging her.  She pulls her closer, rubbing her back as Jen cries into her shoulder, full of raging emotions.

"I love you, Jennifer.  I never stopped loving you, even if it seemed like I couldn't care less.  I'm not going to beg for forgiveness because I know what I did was terrible.  All I'm asking for is to be involved."

"We'll make it work."

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