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"Okay, be honest." I lay down on the exam table, looking over at Brad "How fat am I right now?"

"On a scale of 1 to 10 with normal Jen being 1 and an oversized hippo being 10, I'd go with a solid 7. 6 if you take away how big your boobs look right now, but I don't wanna think of that."

"You are such an asshole!" I pull myself up slightly since that's all I can do, and glare over at him "This is all your fault! You're supposed to be making me feel better."

"Calm down," he leans over towards me laughing "You are not fat. Not even a little bit. There's just 2 big babies in there and I actually feel really bad for you."

He leans in to kiss me, trying to make me feel better and get me to forgive him.

"I think you look really good. You're beautiful."

Before I get a chance to say anymore, they walk in to start my appointment.

"How have you been feeling?" The nurse asks "Any pain?"

"My feet and back are always sore, but not any kind of pain that I'm worried about."

"And any concerns?"

"Not that I can think of." I turn to Brad to make sure I'm not forgetting anything "It hasn't been easy, but there hasn't been anything worrying me."

She asks a few more questions before moving on to weigh and measure me, leaving me in shock. The scale keeps going up, and the measuring tape is much more than what I'm used to.

"Holy shit did you see that?" I ask Brad once she leaves "That was like double my size with Ava!"

"Jen, calm down." He can tell that I'm overreacting "Don't think of it that way. Ava was a smaller baby, and you have to remember that there's two of them this time that need room to grow."

I sit back on the table, trying to convince myself that he's right, but it's hard.

"Hi!" My doctor walks in a few minutes later "Are you ready to see the babies? Hopefully have them cooperate this time."

"Yeah," I lean back for her "I'm excited."

Brad moves his chair closer to me, holding my hand as he stares at the monitor in front of us. We weren't able to find out the sex at the last appointment because neither baby would get into a good position, so we're hoping to find out this time.

"Both seem to be a good size right now." She stares at the screen, moving the wand around "They're both just a little above 3 pounds, which is good for the 30 week mark. Baby A is 3lb 8oz, and baby B is 3lb 4oz."

"See, they're doing good." Brad says, reassuring me.

The doctor continues to look around, waiting for them to stop moving.

"Looks like they're finally getting tired." She jokes as the kicking stops. Our eyes are glued to the screen, waiting to get a good look at them so we finally know.

"Baby A is definitely a boy." She looks over at us smiling, knowing we were hoping for one "And it looks like baby B is a girl. Congratulations!"

"Oh my God. We're finally getting our boy!" I look over at Brad in shock, hardly able to believe it "This is so awesome."

She hands us some pictures before leaving the room so we can have some time alone.

"I'm so excited for this!" Brad stares at the picture, looking at the boy that he has wanted forever "I love the girls so much, I really do, but I can't wait for something different."

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