Girls fun day

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"Wake up!" The girls run into our room, jumping on our bed "It's morning!"

"How did you get out of your bed?" I pull Kassie next to me.  She looks up at me with her cute sleepy eyes, smiling as she breaks the bad news.

"Ava help!"

"Ava, did you get your sister out of bed?" Brad asks, stopping her from jumping "You can't do that."

"Yeah because she wanted out." Ava fights to get away from him "I was just helping."

"You know not to do that." I sigh, forcing myself to sit up so I don't fall back asleep.  Kassie immediately gets as close as she can, laying herself on my belly and kicking Brad until he turns the TV on.

"I lay too." Ava decides, laying next to Kassie.  The babies go crazy kicking and fighting with each other as soon as she lays down.

"Well, I guess all 6 of us are awake." Brad says, laying his hand on my belly to feel it "This should be a fun day."

"When do the babies get here?" Ava asks "I want my brother."

"Soon, honey." I smile, loving how excited they are about the babies, especially since there's finally a boy. We're all excited to see them, and I'm excited to finally be done with this pregnancy so that I can finally play and do more with the kids like I love.

"I think daddy should go make us all breakfast." I suggest, getting the girls really excited "Since they lose their pillow if I get up."

"You guys are lucky you're so cute." He gets out of the bed, leaning over the girls to kiss me "And that I really don't want to make you mad right now."

I look down to see Kassid adorably playing with the straps of my shirt while talking to herself in her cute little baby language. 

"You having fun, baby?" I ask, earning a death glare from her.

"No mommy watch!" She yells before reaching up to cover my eyes "No look."

"Okay, I won't look anymore." I try not to laugh at her and make her even more upset. 

Ava moves off of me, also looking pissed.

"The baby keeps kicking me and I just wanna lay." She complains, laying a pillow between her head and my belly "I want it to stop."

"Yeah, I do too, honey."

"Then make them come out!" She says, happily looking up at me, thinking it's the greatest idea ever.

"It doesn't work that way.  I wish it was that easy." I laugh at how innocent she is "I have to wait until they want out and the doctors can help."

"But why do the doctors need to help?" She asks just in time for Brad to walk back in with our food "Why can't we help?"

"Help with what?" He asks, handing me the tray.  Ava quickly answers before I can.

"Help get the babies out of mommy."

"Uhh," he looks over at me for help "Because the doctors know more than we do."

"The doctors need to help just incase there's something wrong with the babies so they can make them better right away."  I finally answer.  She doesn't say much for a while, almost like she's trying to decide if our answers are okay.

"So the doctors made sure me and Kassie were okay?"

"Yeah they checked both of you right away to make sure you were healthy." Brad says as he sits with us "They made sure mommy was okay too."

"My baby!" Kassie says, looking around at us for the baby she's been carrying around.  Brad and I look at each other, and then to Ava figuring she has something to do with it.

"I think it's lost."

"No.  My bed." Kassie pulls on Brad's arm, walking out of the room.

She runs back in a minute later, carrying the baby, and climbs back into bed.  She grabs a piece of bacon and eats half of it before trying to shove the other half in her baby's mouth.

"Aww, does the baby like her food?" I watch her closely as she switches to other food "Is she gonna eat what you don't?"

Kassis just nods her head, not wanting to be interrupted anymore.

"They're so cute." Brad cuddles next to me watching the girls play "I know they get that from you, but I take credit for their eating habits."

"Are you trying to say their eating habits are good?  Because one of them is trying to share food with a doll just to get out of eating..." I glare over at him, wondering if he really is as dumb as he sounds "I wouldn't want to be talking credit for that."

"Okay, so maybe I didn't teach them too well, but I helped them both finally give in and eat vegetables." He sneakily takes a piece of my bacon "And, if you watch them very closely, I also taught them how to eat plenty of candy and cheese."

"Nice try, asshole." I rip the bacon out of his hand, taking it back "You should know by now not to take a pregnant woman's foot.  Maybe you should teach them that."

"Yeah maybe I should, it might be their only survival mechanism the next few weeks." He takes the toast knowing I don't want that "Apparently I have to remind myself that I don't want to be killed in my sleep just for eating a little extra."

"Just don't steal anymore of my bacon or cake.  Or pickles." I think for a little to make sure there isn't anything else I need to add to the list "As long as you don't steal any of them, you should live to see your kids grow up."

"So I can eat anything else in the house and not get yelled at?  I don't have to fear for my life just because I look in the fridge?"

"You should be fine."

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