Outpouring Support

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"Look!"  Aleen runs in the house, holding a bunch of papers, suprising all of us "Your photoshoot!  Everyone loved it!"

Brad walks up to her, very confused about why she's so excited, and gets the papers.

"You have like 5 different people wanting to do interviews with you."

"Really?" I walk over, reading over his shoulder "Because I didn't ask them to airbrush me?  Are these people okay?"

"Everyone loves it.  So many new mothers have been talking about how much better it made them feel to see the 'real' you.  You're making a huge difference."

It still astonishes me that the simple facts that I haven't had tons of reconstructive surgeries, or worked out every single day since having the twins would turn into this.  Most mother's don't have the time or help, or like me are just way too exhausted to be worried about what I look like every second of the day.

"You're amazing, babe." Brad wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer "I'm proud of you.  I know you haven't felt like yourself lately, but you're turning that into something that'll help so many other people too.  You've always been an inspiration, but this is even better."

"I'm just happy you don't mind, you haven't been begging me to lose all the weight immediately, or change things."

"I like you like this, doesn't make me feel so fat."

"Okay now you're just being an asshole."

"I'm serious, though." He leans in for a kiss "I like that you've been spending all your time with them, even though I want you to have alone time too.  I love you like this just like I love you thinner.  You're perfect to me either way."

"I love you." I smile, kissing him back. 

Aleen quickly cuts in, not wanting us to go too far.

"You two are adorable, but seriously, can you do the last minute Jimmy Kimmel today?  They can fit you in next week if you can't, but the sooner the better."

"I'll do it!"

We take the kids to my parent's quickly, and head out to the studio for the interview.  I don't have much time left, so I quickly do my own hair and makeup before changing into a dress.

"Please welcome our first guest, Jennifer Aniston!"

I kiss Brad quickly before walking out to meet Jimmy.  We hug and I walk over to the chair.

"You recently did an incredible magazine spread," He points to the pictures that are shown behind us "I just wanted to say that on behalf of the many parents across America, thank you for showing the not so pretty side.  I know my wife really appreciates it, and I love that it helps show nobody is the same after pregnancy.  Even people who you think get right back to their old bodies."

"It was nervewracking for me, but when I got to the photoshoot after a night of no sleep, and the quickest shower ever so that I could help with the kids, it was kinda a nobrainer.  I didn't have much of a choice."

"I think it's amazing that you haven't let the constant media pressure get to you.  That you live your life how you feel happiest, which is obviously best for your family."

"I wholeheartedly believe that me being happy with myself mentally, and physically, which I still struggle with at times, is making all this stress so much easier on Brad and I.  Our relationship should probably be much worse than it is right now, but he knows that I'm okay with how I look and feel, and continues to support me.  If I wasn't happy, things would be much different.  The same goes for him."

"Do you ever let the media attention get to you?  I know we all try not to, but it can be difficult sometimes."

"Yeah, it happens.  It sometimes takes me a while to get out of that funk, but I'm lucky to have an amazing support team and group of people that love me enough to help get me away from all that negative energy."

"You had twins 4 months ago, and didn't seem to mind showing off the toll that took on your body, was that your doing?  Or were you asked?"

"Well it was mostly my doing, but when I got there and put the first outfit on, we all knew that there wasn't much that could be done.  The photographer was amazing and encouraged everything.  They never suggested airbrushing or photoshop."

"Was it hard for you?  I can just imagine sitting there, thinking about all the comments."

"It wasn't one of the easiest things I've done, but I'm proud of it.  I'm proud of myself for not begging for a jacket and high wasted jeans to suck everything in and hide myself.  The pictures don't show off some pretty, toned body, but they show real life.  They show the body of someone who has had 4 kids, all of which have done a good number on her body.  I love working out, I miss not being at the gym or yoga class all the time, but I go a few times a week, and focus more on my children and husband for now."

"Do you feel like if you were away more that would take away from your parenting?"

"For me personally, yes.  Only because our children already have to deal with a crazy schedule and it's not fair for them.  I think if you're in a position that you can be home with your kids more, then go for it.  And even in some other situations- you as the parents know best.  For my current situation, I think taking my time and being with my kids before going back to filming is better all around."

"Thank you so much for doing all this.  It's been much needed for years now."

"Thank you for having me."

We stand up together and I wave to the audience before heading backstage to Brad.

"I love you so much." He greets me immediately.  I smile, leaning into him as we walk away holding hands.

"I love you even more."

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