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Sherry's POV:

"Girls, here's your ice cream!" I set bowls on the table for them "Eat quickly, mommy will be here soon!"

They run out to the kitchen, completely ditching John and all their toys to stuff their faces.

"Nice to know I'm not going to be the one getting yelled at later." John walks into the kitchen, getting his own bowl "This much ice cream right before they get picked up is guaranteed trouble."

"But we love ice cream!" Ava yells, defending me "And grandma because she gave us some."

"I love you guys too." I laugh, walking over to help Kassie eat hers.

"Hey Ava," John sits across from all of us with a sneaky grin on his face "When mommy picks you up are you going to tell her about this ice cream or about the candy I gave you earlier?"

"The candy!" She happily tells him "Cause there was a lot!"

I laugh at him as I watch his face drop completely because he was hoping to stay out of trouble.  He argues with her for a little, trying to get her to tell on me instead, but it doesn't work.

"What's going on in here?" Jen walks in, trying to figure out what is making her dad and a 6 year old argue "Are you fighting with grandpa again?"

"Yep." Ava replies nonchalantly, finishing her ice cream "He gave me lots of candy earlier."

I watch again as John quickly plans his escape from his very hormonal, 6 month pregnant daughter, who probably wants to kill him right now.

"...wait." Jen refrains herself from yelling at him, and walks over to look in Kassie's bowl "That's not cereal like I thought.  Who gave you guys the ice cream?"

"That would be their grandma." John says quickly before darting out of the room.

"Really?" Jen glares over at me "You couldn't have given this to them hours ago?"

"They only asked for it now."

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes, turning towards the freezer "As long as I get some too."

She gets her ice cream and sits down across from me, watching Kassie make a huge mess as she tries to feed herself.

"She looks so cute.  I just wish she wouldn't be this messy since she hates baths." 

"She let me give her a bath earlier without any problems.  I even washed her hair and everything." I hand Kassie her spoon after she drops it "She played in the water forever."

"You are such a brat." Jen finishes her ice cream as she helps Ava clean up "She won't let Brad or I put her near the tub without freaking out.  We have to force her in."

"She just loves her grandma."

"Yeah, well it's already getting hard for me to lean over the tub, so you can start coming over to give them their baths soon." She laughs, pulling Kassis out of the high chair "Maybe you'll have better luck."

I stand up, taking Kassie from her, and walking towards their bags.

"You shouldn't be carrying her anymore.  You're going to mess your back up even more."

"I don't think it can get much worse." She complains, trying to stretch a little "I already feel like I'm permanently bent forward.  All this extra weight might actually kill me."

"You'll be fine." I laugh leaning in to hug her "Once it's over."

Jen's POV:

"I can't freaking wait." I grab Ava's hand, pulling her out towards the car "Sometimes I wish we would have just stuck with 2."

"Well you can be done after this.  Hopefully you'll have the boy you want."

"We better.  Either way we're done."

We get everything situated in the car, and I drive home to find Brad working on the living room.

"What are you doing?" I walk in with the girls following "Did you break something else?"

"Nooo." He walks up, quickly kissing me "I just saw something on set today that reminded me of the pictures you wanted me to hang up... and I may have scratched the wall a little in the process, so I painted over it."

"You are such a mess."

"Why are they acting so crazy?" He watches the girls run around "They should be getting ready for bed."

"My dad gave them candy and I walked in to see Sherry had just given them ice cream."

"Maybe we should take them outside so they can run around and lose energy." He opens the sliding door, and the two of them run out like they have been trapped for hours "They might sleep tonight."

"Yeah right.  Good luck with that." I roll my eyes following them out "Even if they sleep I won't."

He walks over, rubbing my back, trying his best to take away some of the pain.

"I didn't think having 2 would be this much harder on you.  At least not when they aren't that big yet."

"I thought it would be easier too.  One of them is laying weird and I don't think that's helping much.  I just can't wait for everything to be over." I look out at the girls running in the distance, wishing I had the energy to keep up with them "I miss playing with them.  I feel like theres just too much going on right now and it takes my focus off of them.  I hate it."

"I know, and we were talking about that at the company the other day." He stops rubbing my back and looks towards me "We decides maybe it would be best if you stay home more.  You can work on everything here when you get a chance, and go into the office a few days a week when you need a break from them."

"And everything will still be okay?  I don't want to slow things down."

"Don't worry about it.  We have it all figured out."

"Brad, we're going to have 4 kids."

"I know, babe. I know."

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