Fun Times

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"Momma!" Addie runs out to me "Zach pee!"

"What are you talking about, baby?" I follow her as she runs into the living room "Zach wears his diaper like you."

I get into where he's playing on the couch, only to see that Zach decided it would be a good idea to take his pants and diaper off and pee on my brand new couch.

"Zachary!" I quickly pick him up, only for him to pee again on my leg "You need to keep your diaper on!"

Addie stands in the corner laughing at her brother getting in trouble, and follows me into the bathroom where I try my best to wash myself and Zach off. 

"I help?" Addie pulls up her little stool to see Zach laying on the counter.  Even though they're only 1, they love to help out when we're doing something with the other.

"Here, you hold the diaper." I wait for her little hand to take over holding the top part down so I can pull the tabs up and secure it. 

"Okay, you two go play with your blocks.  Mommy has to clean her pants off."

"Momma play!" Zach yells, attaching himself to my leg "No Addie!"

"Buddy you two have to play together," I sigh, resting him on my hip as I use a wet towel to clean my pants "Mommy can't play every time."

He gets mad at me and jumps down, running to the closest corner he can find to hide in and cry.  Addie walks over, trying to comfort him and get him to stop, but it doesn't help much and she just ends up making him even more mad.

"Addie let him cry if he wants." I get closer to them extending my arm out for him "He's upset."

"He need nap." She decides, looking up at me very seriously "Not me."

"Nice try, Addison." I laugh picking her up "You both need to nap.  You got up way too early today."

I make them each a sandwich for lunch, and let them in the living room quickly to go wake Brad.  He was filming most of the night, and only got home around 3, so I let him sleep most of the day.

"Hey, it's 12:30." I lean in, kissing him "And we need to clean the couch."

"What could they have possibly done already?" He sits up, pulling me on his lap "We got it like a day ago."

"Zach took his diaper off and peed on it.  I told you we need to start potty training them."

"And you left them alone?"

He pushes me off of him, jumping out of the bed.

"You can't leave those two alone!  They're worse than the girls!  They'll burn the house down."

"Relax.  I sat them in front of the TV with a movie on.  I just made lunch, the worst they'll do is climb up to the table to eat."

"Yeah right, that means actually eating something other than cookies."

We walk down to see that they're both still on the couch, and that Addie has fallen asleep.

"I sit daddy!" Zach yells as I try putting him in his high chair.  He crosses his legs as he says this, not giving me much of a choice but to hand him to Brad.

"You just like daddy the best." Brad takes him as he sits down "I think you're getting tired."

"They were up by 6:30.  They came with me to take the girls to school and everything."

I sit across from them, handing Brad their sandwiches.

"They went to bed pretty early.  I think they were tired from swimming." Brad picks off some pieces for Zach "I thought they would want to wait up for you to get home, but they were out right around 7:30."

"If only the other two would sleep like that too."

I eat my sandwich, watching as Zach picks apart the pieces Brad gives him, only eating the few parts he actually wants.

"He looks so much like you.  I never thought we'd have a boy or that he would look just like you."

"Hey, it was my turn for once.  All the girls look just like you, this is only fair."

He lays Zach on the chair next to him once he falls asleep, and we're left to talk about life.

"So I'm done filming in 2 weeks, and you're done too.  I thought maybe we could ship them off to one of our parents and go somewhere.  Like an early wedding anniversary celebration."

"Holy shit... we're married 12 years." I stare at him in shock just thinking about it "I think that would be fun.  Where would we go?"

"We could do Italy.  I've only been promising you forever."

"I won't say no to that."

"Okay," he pulls out his phone looking at the calendar "I guess I'll book flights for a few days after I'm done.  Gives us some time with them before we leave."

I nod along in agreement, and move Zach into the couch with Addie to sleep so we can talk above a whisper.

"Don't forget Kassie has that play the week after.  We offered to help set it up."

"Shit.  Well that cuts into your shopping time." He walks closer to me smirking "We aren't cutting sex or eating time."

"I agree with the eating, but if you're taking away from my shopping you might not need to be too worried about sex."

"I'm taking you to Italy.  Lots of food and dessert, hot Italian men..."

His hot breath on my neck drives me with passion, but the kids are sleeping in the next room.

"How long until I have to get the girls?" He asks as he starts kissing "The twins will never know."

"20 minutes." I sigh, pulling him closer "Make it quick."

He throws me over his shoulder, practically running to the downstairs guest bedroom where he slams the door shut and we continue.

Guys I'm so sorry, I forgot I had this part done already!  Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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