We Got It

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"3 weeks ago we were just looking at this house," I say to Brad in disbelief as we set everything up "And now they've already drawn on walls and half destroyed the new furniture. It's so nice to feel at home."

"Easy for you to say, you didn't just help carry the biggest couch on earth." He walks up next to me, where we watch the girls play with the toys they decided to keep here "But they seem to like it here. I can't wait for everything to be done though... I'm actually starting to miss the house that's all done. It seems so much easier."

"That is not the Brad I'm used to." I turn towards him, making sure he's okay "You used to always be itching to do something new like this. Last year you would've wanted to reconstruct the whole house."

"I guess I'm finally growing up."

"It's about damn time."

We work together to fix all the furniture in the living room, putting out plants and decorations to make it look nicer. He reluctantly agrees to let me climb around hanging things, even though I know he doesn't like the idea. It all gets done so much faster since the girls aren't running around to drive us crazy.

I get out some of the little decorations, putting them into place so I can finally see the house come together.  The colors match, there aren't toys scattered all over yet, and the carpets are still clean.  I love it.

"It's starting to look really nice in here." Jane walks in surprising us "I love how you covered up Kassie's artwork. She isn't going to be happy about that."

"Yeah, that table was perfect for it." I walk over to the wall, laughing at how the table is the perfect height to cover where Kassie decided to draw smiley faces "I still can't believe she hasn't done anything like that at the old house and manages to do it in 2 days here."

"And she knows she was bad, too." Jane says, looking over to Kassie who is smirking at us while hiding behind her toys "She's so damn cute."

"Oh I know." I pick her up once she walks over to us "And she's very lucky."

"I'm cute too!" Ava runs over to Jane, not wanting to be left out "And I wasn't bad like Kassie."

"Really?" Jane asks, picking her up "Then who drew all over your mommy's new table? Did Kassie learn how to spell already?"

"Yep!" Ava nods her head quickly "She's realllllly smart."

"She must get that from me." I smile, playing with Kassie as I watch Ava cuddle up to Jane"She is getting really smart."

"Well it's definitely not from Brad." Jane says laughing at Brad's failed attempt at putting the coffee table together "He doesn't always do the smartest things."

"You mean giving a 1 and 6 year old sharpies to play with isn't smart?"

"Well it doesn't make him a genius."

"Hey, I can hear you two!" He yells from where he's trying to hold up the table "And I was promised when I gave them the markers that they would not ruin anything."

"Yeah, that's the sad part. You were dumb enough to believe that."

I go into the kitchen, looking around in the fridge for some food since I'm starving. I feel like all I do now is eat way too much.  I'm never full anymore.

"Brad did you really eat the leftover cake?!?" I walk over to where he is, very quickly getting pissed "I told you I wanted that!"

"Let's go see how your rooms look." I hear Jane tell the girls as they all walk away.

Brad looks down at me, trying to think of a cover up story.

"I'll make you a new cake." He finally says "I was starving this morning."

"Yeah well I'm starving now and it's your fault!" I start to cry, seriously feeling like not having the cake will ruin my life since I can literally taste it without needing to eat it "All I wanted was the cake! I've been trying to not eat bad this time but that's the one thing I let myself have and you just had to go and eat it!"

"Jen," he climbs down, looking sorry and confused "I didn't realize it was that important to you. I'll make you another one. I promise."

"I shouldn't have it anyway." I plop down on the couch, collecting all my thoughts "I'm already huge, I don't need more fattening foods. Maybe it was good you ate it."

"You aren't huge. Not at all." He walks over, sitting next to me "There's just two of them in there this time and you aren't used to that yet. They're going to need more room."

"I know." I sigh, staring down at the watermelon that has very quickly taken over my stomach "It's just hard. I'm hardly even 3 months pregnant, and I look the same as I did at 5 months with each of them."

"You're overreacting." He rolls his eyes, laughing at me "You still have about one more piece of cake to go before you look like that. Maybe 2 if you're lucky."

"You are such an asshole!" I playfully hit him.

He smiles, leaning over to kiss me.

"But you love me."

"I guess I do." I kiss him back.

"Brad," I look around after a while, coming to my senses "We're going to have four children... and a new house."

"We're crazy.  But it's so worth it." He wraps his arms around me, "It'll be fun, too.  Like some huge interactive game we fail at 99% of the time."

I watch as he tries resting his legs on the table, only for the whole thing to fall since he never finished putting it together.  He quickly sits up to fix it, looking back at me.

"Okay, so maybe 100% of the time.  But who's really counting?"

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