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"Hey Jen," My assistant walks back to my office "I know I'm not supposed to bother you much, but I think you wanna see this."

She comes over to my computer, pulling up our security camera to show me the hallway to Brad's office.  I stare at it, confused about what could possibly be happening.

Then I see it.  Angelina walks in, right past the receptionist and into his office.  A few minutes later, George follows, giving me some relief.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to go check on them." I pull myself up, walking towards the door "Can you make sure they don't try to run out of here?"

"Yeah, I love watching them." She agrees, playing with the girls "Good luck."

I walk over to Brad's office trying to figure out what could be going on.  Before I even get the chance to walk in, I hear some yelling, and know that can't be good. 

The door is unlocked, so I let myself in just in time for Angelina to get mad and storm out.  Brad and George are standing behind the desk looking very confused, and even a little mad themselves.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask quickly before she's too far away "Why is she here?"

"Do you really not trust your husband enough that you had to run over when you saw me?" She quickly turns around "That's a really sad marriage."

I walk in the office further, shutting the door on her so I can get the real story.

"Jen why are you even here today?" George asks confused "I thought you were supposed to be home.  I was gonna come over to take the girls to the playground like I promised Ava."

"I'm just here for a little, I couldn't concentrate at home." I sit across from them "But seriously, what is going on?"

"She," Brad thinks for a while, looking at the door "It's nothing, Jen.  I don't want you under anymore stress right now."

"Brad, I'm fine.  Tell me."

"Okay, well she decided that her and I haven't talked enough since we wrapped the movie and everything, and thought that we could 'rekindle' our friendship if this company picked up a new project she wants to work on."

"Seriously, she actually used the words 'rekindle our friendship' like he is dumb enough go believe that's all she wants." George quickly cuts in "It took all I had not to call her out on that."

Brad ignores him, continuing on with what he was saying.

"I told her no, because we already have enough right now and don't work with that type of project normally, and she got really mad... even admitted that she might have had a small part in the whole fake separation announcement."

"I should have known it." I get up to walk out "Are you sure that's all?  You aren't hiding anything from me?"

"Yes." Brad follows me out, shutting the door behind us "You know you don't have anything to worry about.  I never had any feelings for her, and as far as I'm concerned, I'll never have any feelings for anyone but you."

"I know, it's just hard thinking about it sometimes.  That's all." I start to walk away after a little, but he quickly stops me.

"I love you, Jen."

"I love you too, Brad."

I kiss him quickly, but know I have to get back to the girls.

"I have to get back to them before they drive poor Marie crazy.  Kassie has been trying to draw on things all morning."

"She's just trying to express herself." He wraps his arms around me, following me as I walk back to my office "Maybe she'll be an artist someday, don't kill her dreams."

"Well if she plans on being an artist maybe she can just paint the pictures right on the living room wall that I want hung up.  Since somebody has been stalling for a year now."

"Okay, fine.  I'll hang them up eventually."

We get back to my office and find out that the girls have tired Marie out in 20 minutes, and are jumping around everywhere.

"Mommy can we go get ice cream?" Ava runs up to me "I'm really hungry and I need to eat."

"You need to eat something better than ice cream." Brad picks her up "Just because mommy is eating really weird things right now doesn't mean you can too."

"But daddy!!" She wraps her arms around his neck, getting right in his face "Me and Kassie are cute so we NEED ice cream."

"Yeah!" Kassie yells, running over as well "Ice cream!"

"I'll get you guys ice cream." George walks in the office "But that's after the playground so you can go home right after you eat it."

Kassie runs right up to him smiling ear to ear, reaching her arms out for him to hold her.

"I love ice cream." She says in her cute little baby voice "We go playground?"

He looks to Brad and I to make sure it's still okay, and we happily agree that we need a break.

"You guys can go but you have to promise to be good." I pull them both closer to me for a hug "And no running off, we don't want you to get lost anywhere."

"We promise." Ava says, wrapping her tiny arms as far as she can around me "We'll be really good."

"Yeah, I good." Kassie says, hugging me as well.

"Okay, I love you guys." I let go of them, watching as they run over to Brad quickly. He says something to make them laugh before they run off with George for the rest of the day.

"Wanna go home and take a nap?  I'm tired." I ask Brad, who looks like he would rather do anything else "We could eat some snacks first."

"As great as the snacks part sounds, I don't really want pickles and cheese."

"Fine, I'll eat all the pickles."

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