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"Are you sure you're okay?"  You aren't normally this tired."  Brad asks as we walk out of our hotel room "You're kinda scaring me."

"I'm just jetlagged from all the flying, that's all."  I catch up to him as we walk to the elevator "What are we doing today?  You still haven't told me."

"It's a surprise, you'll love it." He smirks, kissing me as we get into the elevator "It's going to be the most fun you've ever had on a vacation."

"You mean more fun than riding the same ride 50 times in one day?  I thought that was the most fun."

"That's a close second."

We walk out of the hotel and see a bus waiting in front of us.  He leads me onto it, handing a your guide some tickets and we find empty seats towards the back.

"Okay, this scares me just a little."  I finally admit as we go down some seriously weird roads "Where are we going?"


"No shit.  We didn't fly 3 hours away to go back home on a tour bus."

We pull up to what looks like a deserted beach a few minutes later.  I look at Brad confused, since he didn't even warn me to bring a bathing suit.

"I have you covered.  Don't worry."  He leads me out of the bus, walking towards a bar "We have the whole day to explore this little town and swim."

We walk up to a bar and look through the menu.  I stare at it for minutes, uninterested in everything on it, when I would usually be excited to try new alcohol.  He orders himself a beer right away and turns towards me.

"Do you want something fruity?  You would probably like that."

I shake my head no, really not interested.

"I just don't want alcohol, I guess.  None of it really looks good to me."

He studies me for a while, trying to figure out what is going on that I don't want anything, while I try to figure it out myself.

He gets handed his beer, and I take it, thinking maybe drinking some of that will help me. 

"Are you okay?"  He looks at me as I immediately feel nauseous at just the smell of the beer alone "Jen, what's wrong?"

I jump off the seat, running over to a private area surrounding by bushes.  I start to vomit uncontrollably right away, not knowing what to do. I'm on vacation and I feel like absolute shit.

"You're scaring me.  Why are you acting like this?" He follows me, holding my hair back "Are you sick?" 

His eyes get huge the second he says that, coming to a realization.

"Are you pregnant?" 

"What?"  I try to wrap my head around the possibility "No.  I must have just ate something weird.  There's crazy food here.  Maybe it was the chicken last night."

"Jen, seriously.  Think about it." He starts to get even more serious, looking me in my eyes "When was your last period?"

I think about it, and it hits me.  I have no freaking idea. 

"I... I don't even know."  I sit on the tree stump next to me, putting my head in my hands "I can't even remember if I got it last month." 

"Okay,"  He thinks for a little, trying to figure out the best solution considering we're in a small Mexican town "We just need to go to that store and buy a pregnancy test.  We'll figure it out."

"But Brad if I am, I could be months.  What if something's wrong with the baby since I haven't been to the doctor or anything?  Just 2 weeks ago I went out with Courteney and Lisa and was drinking."

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