The One Where Jen Has The Babies

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"Oh my God." I complain, leaning over the bed, going through an agonizing contraction.

Brad rubs my back, trying to make me comfortable, but it is not helping at all.

"Can I do anything?" He helps me lay in the bed.  I can tell he feels terrible not being able to do much, but the fact that he wants to help is enough for me.

"Ask them if they can take any longer to give me the epidural."

"Jen, you know they aren't purposely taking this long." He hands me the remote, trying to think of something to pass some time "Maybe we can find a movie.  It could be a while."

"Okay," I move over slightly, making room in the bed "but lay here with me.  It takes some of the pressure off my back."

He moves over, making room for himself on the small bed and lays his arm under me, knowing exactly where all the pain and pressure are.

I hold his hand constantly, squeezing it every few minutes as crippling pain rushes over my body.  He continues to do everything he can to keep me comfortable, but none of it seems to work.

We start a movie, and I try to concentrate, but the contractions every few minutes are not making it easy.  It also doesn't help that this gown is super uncomfortable and I'm connected to a million machines that beep every time I move.

"How are you doing so far?" My nurse walks in followed by the anesthesiologist "Are you ready for the epidural?"

"Yes!" I practically burst out of the bed, ready for some pain relief.

They wait for me to have another contraction, and then pull out a huge needle.  I lean over Brad, trying to stay completely still as they stab me with it.  It hurts, but I'd rather have this than all the other pain.

I lay back down, waiting for it to finally kick in, and the nurse checks me to see if I'm finally moving along.

"You're at 6 right now." She tells me, looking sympathetic, knowing I just want this to be over "Do you need anything right now?  Any extra pillows or blankets or anything?"

"No, I think I'm good for now."

"You should try to sleep for a while." Brad suggests, knowing I need the break "You need all the energy you can get."

"This is going to be so nice.  Not feeling anything, but still getting everything out of it."

"You're different already." He laughs at me "If I would have known you would be this carefree I would have talked you into this for the last two."

"I'm just excited to watch the movie in peace now."

I watch the movie for a while, loving how much easier this labor seems than the others just because I can finally concentrate.  I can finally breathe.

"Jen, you're exhausted." Brad turns off the TV after a while "You need some sleep."

I give in and take a much needed nap.

"Yeah, she's been sleeping about 2 hours." I listen to Brad while drifting in an out of pain. 

"Brad?" I reach out for his hand, half delirious "I feel something."

"What do you feel?" He asks immediately, getting the nurse to stay "Kicking?"

"No, pain.  A contraction."

I sit up, wincing in pain, suddenly feeling every little thing again.  I squeeze his hand for some relief.

"What's going on?" Brad looks up at the nurse "Is she okay?"

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