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Brad's hot, sweaty body hovers over me as he fiercely thrusts himself, filling me with pleasure.

"Ughhh," I pant heavily, trying to catch my breath as Brad rolls off me.

"I'm gonna miss waking up to sex." He leans over to kiss me "We need to start waking up super early."

"I agree." I kiss him back.

We take a few minutes, finally calming down from earlier, and decide what to do for the day.

"Do you wanna get brunch?" He pokes his head in the shower suggesting it "We can get those waffles we had the other day."

"Okay yeah, that sounds good." I continue to wash my hair "And then we can do a little shopping? We still need to get Ava something like we promised."

"I guess." He shrugs, walking away "But we aren't buying too much. And no more shoes."

"You cannot take away shoe shopping from me! That's so unfair!" I start to cry legitimate hormonal tears "You know how much I love shoes!"

I continue crying until I eventually hear the shower door open again and feel him wrap his arms around me.

"You are way too attached to your damn shoes."  He kisses my neck softly "You need an intervention."

"I do not."  I continue to cry, "I wear all the shoes I buy.  I don't buy them for no reason.  I could be much worse."

"I know, babe."  He laughs at me "Maybe we can just buy other things.  Like clothing before I have to listen to you bitch about things not fitting."

"So I can get a whole new wardrobe?" I turn towards him excitedly "Since I threw out all the clothes from Ava?"

"We'll see.  We don't have enough luggage for too much."

I finish my shower shortly after with Brad's help, and we walk out to the hotels restaurant for brunch.

"Remember the time we came to this hotel right after we got married?  I think it was after new years that year."

"Yeah, the time you insisted on that really nice restaurant," he replies laughing "And I had to basically walk you out you got that drunk.  Then you got mad because I left your dessert there."

"Well it was really good cheesecake.  I wanted it." I defend myself "It could have been worse.  I could have gotten drunk and peed all over the clothing you brought with in the middle of the night."

"Okay, but in my defense I very clearly remember telling you that I had to pee before you made me go to bed.  You had a warning." He flings a strawberry over at me "Besides, I was just trying to show you what it's like to have a kid that pees on things in the middle of the night.  I think I was a good example."

"Yeah except you at least got out of bed.  That's a huge plus." I take the strawberry, eating it "And it's not nice to throw food."

"It's not nice to eat other people's food either."  He pouts, acting upset "That was my last strawberry!"

"It wasn't even that good."

"Too bad I don't ever know how it tasted."  He gets up once we're done "Thief."

"Hey, it was payback." I follow him out onto the street so we can find somewhere to shop.

"That one looks like it has kids things." I point out a store across the street, "And the one next to it looks cool too."

We walk inside and he walks right up to the toys to find something Ava might like.  We look around at everything for a while before finding some dolls and little doll houses.

"She's been into these lately.  Maybe this is good." Brad holds up a few "Some even look a little like her."

"Are you thinking of our child or the one with your secret wife?" I look at them, not seeing even the slightest resemblance.  

"Oh yeah, wrong kid." He rolls his eyes "Definitely don't wanna bring her up again."

"Do you think she'd like the pink or the purple more?" I hold up two of the dolls "They both go with that house."

"Just get her both.  We can save one for her birthday or something.  She'll never know." He walks towards the clothing "Do you think she needs anymore?"

"Probably not, but some of this is really cute." I hand a bunch of things to him to hold "She can grow into it."

"Let's pay and go look for you before we're buying this whole store.  She already has way too much shit at home."

We pay for everything, along with the game Brad saw for her on the way out, and walk into the next shop.

"This is cute." He holds up the most hideous dress I have ever seen "And it's your size!  It's perfect.  You should get it."

"I hate you." I push him away laughing "I'm pregnant, not 85 with no self control over food."

"Well you are getting close to the whole no self control over food thing.  This explains why you've been eating all the time." He hands me another dress, this time one that I actually really like "They have it in a few colors."

"I really like the purple." I look through them, finding my size "Should I get both since they're different colors?  Or get this and find another one?"

"Get them in different sizes so when one doesn't fit you can wear the other."

I get a grey one along with the purple and move on to some other clothes.  He looks bored out of his mind, acting interested in everything I show him.

"You know, maybe we should have known that having another baby means needing different clothing.  We should have thought this through when you got rid of everything." He hands me a few shirts that he likes.

"Yeah I know, that would have made it much easier."  I take the clothing in to try on, leaving him to wonder around and pick out some pants for me. 

"Here, maybe you'll like these." He throws them over the door "Some lady told me they're comfortable."

I quickly try them on, finding out that for once he actually remembered my pant size and didn't give me pairs that would never fit.

"I think I'm gonna get it all." I hand everything to him to hold as I walk out "And you get to buy it."

"When did we agree on that?" He sighs, trying to balance the mountain of clothing while reaching for his credit card in his pocket "I don't like this."

"You'll get over it." I smirk, leaning over everything to kiss him "You love me."

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