Party Time

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"Where do you want the cake?"  Brad carries it out to me "I don't think it should be anywhere that they can reach it."

"Yeah, you're right." I look around for a little, trying to find the best place "I guess all the way at the back of the snack table.  Put the cover on and we'll hear if one of them tries to get it."

I walk back into the house where Ava is currently trying to get Brad's parents to give her a present before all her others because she needs to have it.

"Mommy I have present?"  She gives me the cutest look ever "Please?"

"Go ask daddy what he thinks." I watch her run out to him and beg.  He looks in at me and I shrug, not really caring what she does at this point. 

"How many kids are gonna be here?"  Will asks as they walk back in "You have a lot of food."

"I think 10 from her class, and then a few of our family and friends kids.  We didn't want too many, but the school makes you invite the whole class."

Brad and I watch from the corner as Ava opens one of the gifts his parents got her.  She tears it open fiercely, almost like she's racing someone.

"I can't believe she's 5 already."  Brad whispers, wrapping his arms around me "It doesn't seen like 5 years since you scared the hell out of me and I basically fell out of bed.  My arm still hurts from that."

"Yeah well, the 8 hours of labor and listening to you say your arm hurt were fun too." I laugh, remembering all the events of that day vividly "I'll never forget how she stopped crying as soon as you got to hold her, but I couldn't calm her for shit."

"She just wanted to see her daddy, that's all."

Ava runs up to show us the princess coloring book she got, trying to get us to open it for her now, even though we know she's going to forget it the second my parents walk in.

"Wait for all your other presents, Ava.  You don't want to lose anything now."  I finally tell her after she begs "I think it's time for you to sit out and wait for your friends.  They'll all be here soon and you don't wanna miss them."

"Okay," she sighs, walking away slow and dramatically.

We finish getting everything set up just in time for a bunch of kids to run through the house, into the backyard where all the games are.  They scatter around the bouncy house and pool while all the parents are stuck carrying their presents and other crap they brought with.

"This looks like fun."  Sherry and my dad walk up to me "Anyone crying yet?"

"Yeah, unfortunately it's my kid.  Because she lost her shoe." 

"How in the hell do you lose your shoe?"  My dad asks, waving at Ava once he sees her "Did you take her from her?"

"Yes, dad.  I took the shoe when she wasn't looking and hid it in the bushes."  I reply sarcastically "It definitely didn't end up in there because she threw them when she took them off and didn't look to see where they landed."

"Where's Brad?"  He asks, not appreciating my answer "Maybe he'll be nice to me."

"He should be somewhere around the bouncy house."

I talk to Sherry for a while before going over to where the kids parents are, to make sure they're all okay.

"There's tons of snacks and pizza here if you want it.  I don't want any left because then I'll eat it all."  I show them where everything is "There's drinks in the coolers too."

"You got the good pizza!" One of the mom's walks up to it laughing "This is the only kind my kids will eat.  We live off of this stuff."

I laugh, relating to the picky eating part way too well.  The others get some food as well, and we all talk about the kids for a while, sharing funny stories about ridiculous things they've done.

"Mommy, we have cake?"  Ava runs up to me "I'm hungry."

"Yeah, go tell daddy to have everyone come over here." I grab the cake and the candles, setting it up on a table for Ava.

"She's so happy."  I lean on Brad, watching as she blows out the candles "We must really know how to throw a good kid's birthday party."

"Well it's not exactly the hardest thing.  All we had to do was get them hyped up on candy." He points out a bunch of kids that are jumping around very impatiently "All their parents are going to hate us, but at least she's happy."

"That's all that matters to me."

We move on to having her open all her presents, and she surprises us by running up to hug whoever got her each present after opening it.  She lets her friends play with some of her new toys as well.

"What was your favorite part of the party today?"  I ask as we tuck her into bed "The cake?"

She thinks for a little, considering using that as her answer.

"Seeing all my friends." She finally decides "And getting lots of new toys.  I wanna play with all of them."

"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to play with everything."  Brad says, leaving over her tiny body to kiss her forehead "I love you, princess.  Happy birthday!"

"I love you too, daddy."  She reaches her arms out for a hug, pulling him closer "But I don't wanna go to bed."

"I know, but you have to.  It's way past your bed time." He pulls her blankets around her tickly, making sure her favorite stuffed animal is cuddling up with her "You'll be all energized tomorrow, ready to play with everything."

"Daddy's right.  You need lots of energy." I kiss her goodnight "Love you, baby."

"Love you, mommy."

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