Just a Cold

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Brad's POV

"Mommy's sick," I tell Ava as I pick up Kassie and walk them downstairs, stopping them from running in our room "We have to stay down here so she can rest and feel better."

"Can we make her a card?  So she feels better?"

"Yeah, but we need to let her sleep a little before we give it to her." I set a bowl of cereal in front of her on the table.  She eats that while I help Kassie eat hers, which turns out to be a huge mess.

"I think she needs a bath, daddy." Ava looks at how messy Kassie is "We should clean her."

"Let her finish eating, then we will." I finally give up and just hand the spoon to Kassie so she can feed herself.

I let Ava help me make my coffee and cereal to entertain her and let Kassie eat in peace. 

"Does mommy want some?" She asks, getting me a mug "She loves coffee."

"Not today, she has a cold so she won't like it." I get the mug from her, carrying everything over to the table "All mommy wants is to get some rest and feel better."

I finish eating while Kassie plays with her food and Ava pulls out every craft item she owns to make Jen her card.

"Let's get Kas cleaned up.  We can make the cards later." I carry her over to the sink with Ava following "Can you go get a towel from the bathroom?"

Ava runs out to get the towel as I fill up the sink and set Kassie in it.  Just as I'm about to start washing Kassie off, I hear Ava walk back in and look to see her dragging the towel across the floor.

"Here, daddy." She hands it to me.  I shake it off a little to get rid of the dog hair and she pulls a chair over to stand on.  She takes over washing Kassie, talking to her and making faces that cause her to laugh almost nonstop.

Just as I'm about to get Kassie out, Jen surprises us all by walking downstairs.  Ava jumps off her chair immediately and Kassie tries to climb out of the sink while splashing and kicking water all over me.

"Hey baby." Jen walks over, getting her out "Did you make a mess eating?" She asks before a huge coughing fit.  I take Kassie from her, trying not to laugh at how funny Jen looks while trying to get herself to stop.

"I told you to stay in bed."

"And," she coughs again "I told you I'm fine."

"Mommy stop coughing." Ava says, clearly annoyed "Drink some juice."

"Here." I hand her a cup full of orange juice "Listen to your daughter.  She obviously knows what's good for you."

She rolls her eyes, drinking the juice and looking around for some cold medicine.

"We only have her stuff left?" She turns to me, trying to figure out how that happened "Were you taking it for some reason?"

"No." I sigh, grabbing my car keys, knowing this means I need to get some "I'll be back in a few minutes."

I bring Ava with me, which of course ends up being a dumb idea since we're walking in a store that sells candy.

"I think me and Kassie need this, daddy." She holds up a bag of lollipops for me to see "For when we're really good."

"Okay, but you have to carry it." I pull her away from the candy and over to the medicine.  I grab a few of each cold medicine I see, not having any idea of what to buy.

"She need these." Ava hands me cough and nose drops "So she gets quiet."

I take them from her, wondering what I need to get her quiet the rest of the day.

"Alright, let's go." We walk up to pay for everything, and I notice that a new chapstick is laying on the counter with everything else.

"So I don't have to use mommys." She says, trying to look cute.  I keep it there, letting her stand in front of me where she can't see anything else she might want.

We get back home and walk in the house to hear nothing but Kassis's very obnoxious squealing noises.

"I can't do this." Jen walks over, handing her to me "My head is killing me and she won't stop.  I need to get away."

"Take your meds and go upstairs.  I'll try to keep them quiet."

"Jesus, you bought the whole damn store." She tries to find the right medicine "Guess it's good for when you get sick and I end up taking care of 3 kids."

"Not if you just listen to me and go rest so it can go away." I walk her over to the steps, watching as she walks up.

I take the girls into the living room, putting a movie on and helping them make a fort. 

"Daddy!" Kassie runs over to me pointing at a pillow the size of her, wanting me to pick it up "Help?"

"Let's go get it." I walk over with her.  I hand it to her, helping her pull it over to where Ava is with everything else we are using.  She piles the pillows on top of each other while I walk around with Kassie to find everything else we need.

"Wait, daddy!" Ava randomly exclaims, scaring me "We forgot to make mommy's cards!!"

"Okay, well we can make them in the fort once it's done." I suggest, carrying a chair over "Let's use this since we're running out of pillows.  It'll hold up the blankets good."

"Can we have snacks too?" She asks, hinting at her candy bucket "We can eat and make the cards."

"Sure." I give in, wanting some of the candy myself.

We all sit around inside the fort, taking turns using all the art supplies Ava gathered and writing on the cards.

"I think mommy will love them."

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