It's Christmas!

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"Come on, we have to get mommy's present."

I lift Kassie to put her in the cart, but in return she just kicks the shit out of the cart and my legs since she hates me.

"No cart!" She pushes herself down "I walk."

I look over to Ava, hoping maybe she'll get in the cart and Kassie will follow, but she just shrugs and starts walking towards the store.

"You two are so lucky you're cute."

I grab their hands as we walk in, worried they'll run off and destroy the place as we walk around looking for a store Jen might like.

"Mommy bring us here!" Ava points to one across from us "She got a dress."

"Let's go see what they have."

We look around for a while, not finding anything that sticks out enough for Jen to like it.

"Daddy," Kassie pulls on my shirt as I look at a necklace, pointing outside of the store "Mommy want toys!"

She smiles ear to ear as she keeps pointing, and I look out to see that they have a huge toy stand filled with costumes that she likes.

"We'll get you one later, you can't get too much now or Santa won't know what to get you."

"I think mommy wants that." Ava likes the necklace I've been looking at "It's pretty."

"Yeah!" Kassie quickly agrees, having to get her word in too.

I buy it, and let them lead me out to the toy stand where they go crazy.

"Girls, one dress each.  Seriously." I sigh, holding everything they've picked out "You already have a lot at home."

"But we need more!"

"One dress and one crown each.  That's it... and not anything you're going to fight over!"

They take their time, inspecting every little speck on the dresses, making sure they're absolutely perfect.

"Daddy I want this one.  It has lots of purple." Ava runs over to me with her choice "And Kassie doesn't like purple."

"Okay, just don't trip over it." I watch as she twirls around with it in her arms, not realizing it's longer than her "I don't wanna be calling mommy because you're in the ER."

"But daddy it's so prettttty!"

"I know it is, but you have to be safe." I turn towards Kassie to see that she has managed to put on the pink dress that she's decided she wants "Kassidy I told you to pick it out, not wear it."

"Daddy I get this!" She points to the dress excitedly "I want it."


I pull them over to pay before they talk me into anything else and we try to find another store that might actually have something for Jen.

We find a cute little store filled with all kinda of ornaments and decorations we think she'll like and I force them to sit in a cart so I'm not paying for half the store.

"Mommy wants that sign!" Ava points out a wooden sign with lettering on it "She loves those!"

"She does," I stand in front, reading and examining it "But I don't think she'll really like what that one says.  She probably wants a better one."

We turn the other to see a line of people waiting with blank signs.  Naturally, this makes me want to grab one and wait as well since it can be customized.

"What should mommy's sign say?"

"Best mommy ever!" Kassie suggests, showing me with her hands how big she wants it to be.  Ava agrees with her, pretending to write it out on the sign.

"Okay, she'll like that."  I quickly grab a second sign in a wooden color that'll match our living room "We can get her two, this one she can put in the living room so everyone can see it."

"That one can say our names?" Ava holds it up, questioning herself "Or Pitt."

"Yeah, that's a good idea.  Mommy would love that too."

We get up to the lady customizing them and she lets the girls pick out which color paint and where to put what, making them even more excited than before.

"Okay, I guess it's time to go home." I get them out of the cart along with all our crap.

I pull in the garage, noticing our families cars are already surrounding the house for our Christmas Eve dinner and instantly know I'm in trouble.  I let the girls run in the house first, hoping that helps.

"Where the hell were you?" I'm instantly greeted with pure anger as I open the door "You were supposed to be home over an hour ago!"

"I was buying your present."

I walk past her closer to the guests, mistakenly thinking she won't want to argue around them.

"Is that supposed to be an excuse?  You had the whole freaking year, Brad!  Nice to know you think of me before last minute.  Thanks for the help setting everything up."

She walks back into the kitchen, still pissed, letting me know this definitely isn't over but that she's way too busy to fight.  I quickly set up what I can to help, but it doesn't seem to change anything since she's still pissed at dinner.

"Where are we sitting?" I watch everyone shuffle around the table "Anywhere special?"

"I don't know, maybe where you can help your children so they actually eat?"

She rolls her eyes at me, taking a seat right next to the kids table, hinting at me taking the one across from it.

"This food is great, Jen!" My mom tries to help calm things down "You're cooking is always the best."

"Thank you.  It took forever but it's worth it to have everyone here."

"I don't know, I think the meat is a little salty." Her dad says, eating a glare from her stepmom and laugh from me.  I quickly stop once I see Jen looking right at me.

"I think it's great, babe."

"Bullshit.  You're just trying to suck up now that you pissed me off."

"Momma help?" Kassie distracts us, holding up her plate.  Jen quickly jumps up so she doesn't drop it and helps cut up her food.

"Guys, it's Christmas. Let's not fight." Sherry gets up, bringing the dessert in "It's not right for the kids."

"You're right." Jen sighs, looking up at me "I'm not going to ruin their Christmas because you're an asshole."

"Now let's go open presents!" I get the kids excited, knowing they should probably be eating instead "Dinner can wait."

We wait for them all to run in the living room full of excitement.

"See, even if we did wait until last possible minute for your presents we still did good."  I pull Jen closer as she opens her gifts, watching the girls get very excited "I love you.  Even if you say I'm an asshole."

"I love you too, baby.  And you aren't a huge asshole."

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