Let's Meet The Baby

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"Hey, I have to go to the hospital with Court."  I tell Brad when he sees me getting ready "David called me freaking out and I'm not sure if something's wrong... I couldn't understand him much other than that I should be there."

"Okay well have fun with that." He laughs, knowing how bored I'm gonna be "Maybe you should take a book or something.  I read the whole parenting one when Ava took forever, you can refresh your memory.  8 hours was a long time."

"Yeah, I'm sure it felt like forever for you, you didn't do any of the work." I roll my eyes, handing the book back to him "You have no idea how long those 8 hours felt.  They were easy for you."

"I helped hold your leg.  I worked very hard at that and she made her way out, so I like to think all my hard work paid off."

"Oh yes, because you helping to hold my leg is what got her out.  I didn't have any part in that at all."

"Look, all I'm saying is that if I need to reprise my role again this time and hold your leg, I think I'll be even better at it." He climbs out of bed, walking over to me to feel the baby moving "Just be happy it's not you in there and you still have some time.  Ava needs some more time to practice her big sister roll."

"Not enough time.  This next month and a half is gonna fly by and I'm not sure if I like it or not."

"You're going to love it." He kisses me quickly, pushing me away "Now go so he doesn't call you all freaked out again."

"I'll let you know when you need to bring Ava in."

I quickly walk out to my car, driving to the hospital.  Luckily the roads aren't bad since it's still early, and I make it there in a few minutes.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I walk into Courteney's room, ready for something terrible "David sounded scared on the phone."

"Yeah, everything is fine."  Courteney looks from David to me laughing "We were bored so I told him to act scared and get you here faster.  We've been here like 5 hours already."

"And the drugs are really working.  She's laughing at everything."

"I hear they work well.  Lisa fell asleep from hers.  I was awake the whole time and bored out of my damn mind." I sit across from them "So anything exciting happen yet?"

"No, shes taking her time." Courteney sighs "This is going to take forever."

We sit around for a while, casually talking until Court falls asleep. 

"When do you think it hit Brad that he was a dad?" David asks after a while "Like I know I'm going to be, but I feel like I'm still not ready for everything."

"I don't know.  I think probably when I handed her to him because she would not stop crying.  I couldn't get her to calm down and she was maybe a few hours old, so I handed her to him and she stopped right away.  Almost like he's all she wanted."

"I'm still worried I'm not ready.  I know I am in some ways, but I just don't know how to handle everything and it scares me a little."  David stares at all the monitors, watching the babies heartbeat "I just worry I won't be good enough."

"Nobody is.  Nobody is ever going to be good enough for a baby, but we try our best, and they love us for it anyway."

A few hours later, she wakes up and they have her push immediately.  I stand to the back, letting Court and David have all these memories to themselves.  I watch as they hand the baby to them, and they stare at her as if she's the greatest thing in the world.

"Shes beautiful."  I look down at her smiling as I hold her "You guys are going to love this so much."

I play with her little fingers, suddenly missing Ava being this little more than ever before. 

"I'm just glad shes finally here.  And everything is okay." Court says, watching us "Now all I'm worried about is sleeping tonight."

"Oh you don't have to worry, you won't sleep.  If you're lucky she'll fall asleep a whole 30 minutes."

"I think she'll sleep." David takes her after a while "She'll be tired from everyone holding her."

"Yeah anyway, when is my favorite little monster coming in to see her?  She needs to meet her new best friend." Court asks.

"I'll call Brad."

I go down to get us all some food after calling him, giving Courteney and David some much needed alone time with Coco.

"You shouldn't have that much caffeine." Brad surprises me, walking up to where I am and handing the lady his card to pay "They just told you last week that you drink too much."

"I'll be fine.  I just won't drink anymore today." I take it from the lady after thanking her "Why's she sitting at a table looking pissed?"

"I told her she couldn't go right up to see Coco.  Shes very adamant about being the first kid to hold her." He laughs, walking towards the table "She also wants a cupcake but refused to touch her lunch."

We go back up to Court's room, and Ava runs in, getting on the bed before we even have the chance to stop her.

I walk in just in time for Court to lay Coco in her arms.

"She likes you, Ava.  She's smiling."

"She's excited to meet her best friend." David takes a picture "It's amazing how even next to a baby Ava looks so small."

"She definitely is little." Brad stares at them for a while, watching as Ava talks and plays with Coco "She's beautiful, guys.  We're in trouble with all these girls."

"But it's so worth it." Courteney adds "I can't wait to see them grow up together."

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