Sick or Attention Seeking?

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"Mommy, daddy." Kassie crawls into our bed, climbing between us "I don't feel good."

I roll over, putting my hand on her forehead, feeling the heat radiating off of her.

"You're really hot, honey.  Does something hurt?"

"Mhm." She nods her head slightly "My belly and my head."

"Let's get some medicine then." Brad gently picks her weak little body up,  carrying her towards our bathroom where I hear him rummaging through the cabinets.  A few minutes later, I hear some crying and know that he found the medicine and she did not want to take it.

She walks out, limping and trying to make herself look as sick as possible. Her head is tilted down slightly with her arms hanging weakly at her sides. Every few seconds she sneaks a look over at me to see if I'm really falling for all this or if I know she's overreacting.

"Looks like it might be the flu," Brad walks up behind her, knowing how scared she'll get, "Guess we better take you to the emergency room so they can give you even more medicine."

"No, daddy!" She practically bolts out of her skin "I better now!  I sleep."

"Are you sure?" I pull her closer as she reaches the bed "The flu is serious."

"I sure, mommy."

She cuddles up to me, hardly giving me any space to breathe, and quickly falls asleep.

"I gave her nighttime medicine.  You're welcome."  Brad leans over her for a kiss "Now, we just need to keep the other 3 asleep and we should actually have a good night."

"Yeah, we'll see about that."

We both fall back asleep seconds later, knowing that we don't have too much more time until Ava wakes us or the twins because she's ready to take on the day.

A few hours later, we're startled awake by screeches, only to find out that Ava thought she could get the twins out of their cribs and take care of them.

"I was just trying to help!" She gives me attitude once I get into the room, telling her she can't do that "You're so mean!"

"I know, I know." I sit in the rocker with Zach, situating him to eat "I'm the meanest mommy in the whole world.  I'm so hurt right now."

She crosses her arms, giving me some serious side-eye, and stomps out of the room dramatically.

Seconds later, Addie wakes up screaming, and Brad walks in, taking her out of the crib and handing her over.

"Ava can't wait for school because you're already making her have the worst day ever.  I'm supposed to talk to you about how mean you're being."

"Oh, so you think I'm being mean too?" I question him, rearranging the twins "So I'm the meanest mommy and the meanest wife?"

"No, but I think it's funny that she actually thought I would be mad at you." He takes Zach once he's done, getting him ready "And also she's getting dressed and then she expects you to do her hair once she's ready."

"Of course," I laugh, picturing her going from pissed to wanting me "We can't have you do it.  She'd look homeless."

"I am more than capable of doing her hair."

"Brad, don't even try.  It's not worth the energy to defend this argument." I hand him Addie as I walk out "Just get them ready.  I'll call the school once I'm done with her hair and let them know Kassie's sick."

I walk into Ava's room, where she's fighting with her dress to fit it over her head.  I fix the button she refuses to recognize, and magically it falls onto her.

She looks back at me, almost thanking me, but quickly stops herself when she remembers what happened earlier.

"What do you want done?" I pull her on my lap as I brush her hair "We don't have much time.  You still need to eat."

"A braid." She shows me with her fingers where she wants it to be "Can it be really long?"

"As long as your hair let's me make it, honey." I work on the braid, putting it right down the middle of her hair like she asked "You're going to look so cute today."

"Daddy says I'm always cute." She looks in the mirror once I'm done "Because I look like you."

"Well, I guess if daddy says it then it must be true." I wait for her to grab her backpack and walk towards the steps "Let's get your waffles.  I need to call the school and tell them Kassie's sick."

"Why's she sick?"

"Her head and belly hurt.  She climbed in bed with me and daddy last night."

My answer seems to satisfy her, so she goes on eating, leaving me to call the school.

"Los Angels Elementary school, how may I help you?"

"Hi, my daughter's sick and won't be in school today."

"Can I please have her name and grade?"

"Kassidy Pitt.  She's in k-4, this is her mother, Jennifer Pitt."

"Great, thank you!  I hope she's feeling better soon."

I hang up just as Brad walks down with the twins, getting ready to leave.

"I guess we should still take them to daycare, that way they don't get sick.  She's still really hot."

"Yeah," I agree, making sure Ava has everything "Can you drop her off at school? I'll stay home. I just have that script to look over so I can do that here."

They all go out to his car, and I follow making sure he doesn't need any help.

"Have a good day at school, princess." I kiss Ava "I love you."

"Love you too, mommy."

I make sure the twins are good and say bye to them before walking up to Brad.

"Have a good day. Call me if I need to do anything else."

"I think I can handle it." He leans in for a kiss "Just take care of the brat.  I expect her to be destroying the house by the time I get home."

I stand to the side, watching as he drives away before going back up to our room.

Kassie's still asleep in almost the same position as before, burning up.  I take her temperature to see that it's now 102.1°, and start to get a little worried.

"Hey, baby." I gently wake her, leaning her against me "Can you drink some water for me?"

"No, mommy." She replies weakly, silently crying as I rock her "My head hurt."

"What about your belly?  Is that better?"


"Okay.  I think your head will feel better soon too if you drink more water.  That'll help you cool off."

I strip her of almost everything, hoping that helps as well. She gives in and sips the water as she cuddles up to me.

"Mommy, I want cookie." She looks up at me smiling.

"Let's start with some crackers to make sure your belly is better." I suggest, handing her a few "You can have a cookie later."

She takes them from me, taking the tiniest bite possible out of one before handing them back.


"Should we go back to sleep?" I turn off the TV, laying down "Maybe when you wake up again your head will feel better."

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