I have been in the girls bathroom for 5 periods already. Just sitting here crying. Confused as to what made me so weak. I couldnt go to any of my periods, let alone any where in public without someone noticing me. I couldnt let any one see me in this state. No one. I looked in the mirror and I looked fine. I put some makeup on and my eyes no longer seemed puffy. Satisfied with my apperance, I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the bathroom making sure no one saw me. Just then the bell rang for 7th period and people came flooding into the hallways. I took out my scheduel to see my 7th period.
7 | Mr. Kemp | Music | Rm. 213
I had Mr. Kemp last year. He never liked me....at all. Then again no adult at this school did. They all thought I was a trouble making delinquent, with no parents, and no common sense. In a way they were right. I was a trouble making deliquent with little to no parental suppervision but I do have common sense.
"Holy shit" I squeaded as someone picked me up from behind and spun me around. I then realized the person raspy laghter. Michael!! He put me down and I quickly turned around to hug him.
"What are you 20 pounds? Kylie, I could probobly throw you across the school yard." He said as we were hugging. We then pulled apart.
"110, actually and your about as strong as noodle Michale." I said laghing a little. He moulth went to a o shape and he let out a girly gasp.
"Oh Really....." He then picked me and threw me over his shoulder.
"Michale!!!! Put me the fuck down!" I started to slap his back gently.
"Never, Im gonna carry you all the way into your next period no matter what you say so you might as well tell me your next period." He said.
"Mr. Kemp and hurry so I am not late again." I told him giving up.
"I will run like my life depends on it my lady." He says and I could already see his grin forming.
"It does 'cause Ill fucking kill you if you make me late you ass." I said trying to sound sirious but all he did was chuckle at me trying to sound tough. He picked up my skate board that was leaning agianst the lockers and started going with me on his shoulder.
Michale was like a brother to me. I known him all my life along with the rest of the boys but me and michale just always sorda clicked in a different way than Danny or Luke. Michael is attractive and all and dont even get me started on his hair which is now "reverse skunk" style(white with a black strip through the middle) but I just could never see him as boyfriend matirial. He is like my older brother and I dont think I could ever feel any more than that. I dont want to for anyone. I hate the feeling of likeing someone. I would rather ingnore that feeling as much a possible because it shows weakness and as soon as you do that people take atvanage of you. I am so afraid that I might let someone in and they wont stay.
"We have now reached your destination." He said in a deep vioce and put me down and gave me my things.
"So am I still weak?" He said in a cocky voice.
"Only mentally" I said and we bolth aburt into laghter.
"Bitch" He said sarcasticlly
"I know" I gave him a cheeky smile and tured my head to see he litterally brought me inside the class but there were only a few people in the class room. Then my eyes met his big brown ones once again. His face tense and angry as if he were jealous.
"Oh my fuck" I mumbled and rolled my eyes and then looked at the ground. Michale relized who I was staring at and picked up my chin.
"Hey hey hey, Its ok Kylie. Its not worth it, hes not worth it, ok." He said. I simply nodded my head.
He was the only person who knew about the huge crush I used to have on Calum in middle school. He would call me after school and ditched school and came to visit one time. It was then he figered out himself about how infactuated I was with that boy....and how my heart shatterd that terrible day he was laghing at me. He still doesnt know why they were laghing at me and he never will.
"I love you Kylie" He said embrassing me in a hug. That word love felt meaning less to me but I had to say something back.
"Me too Mikey" I mumbled into his chest and then we parted.
"I better going get going. You know how Ms. John is about lateness." He said with a sigh.
"That old bitch?!?" He nodded. "Ewww, she sucks old balls...litterally." I winked and nodded over to Mr. Kemp who is always see talking to Ms.John. We broke out in laghter. Michael waved one last time and walked off him still laghing.
I turned around heading to my seat, the same one I had last year. I heard Calum and another boy talking. His voice sounds firmilar but I cant make it out. I didnt want to turn around because they might already be staring at me and I didnt want another akward stare down. So I leaned back a little and tried to hear their conversation.
"I dont know mate, it just wierd, shes wierd." Calum said.
"You have to talk to her, you even said it yourself" The other boy said.
"I know but what did any of what she said even mean...Im so confused." Calum said. I know hes talking about me and what I said about him knowing me. Fuck! I wish I could take it all back.
"I guess you'll just have to find out mate" The other boy said.
I had alittle minnie heart attack when the other boy said that. Oh know he wont. Never ever will they ever find out my past. I have to be very carefull around these boys. Every thing I say. I cant be as reckless with my words like before. My life will be ruined if anyone finds this out. Not the boys not even Michale knows used to cut. Thats why the scars are on my hips and stomach so no one can see them. Thats why I wear high waisted shorts/pants and one piece bathing suits. Its easy to hide away that part of the past. Just then a hand waved in front of my face snapping me out of thought. I turned my head to see the one and only Calum Hood sitting next to me.
"Hi" He said shyly
"Hello" I said more confidently then him. His eyes flickerd down to my chest. I raised and eye brow and coghed. Didnt seem to faze him.
"Exuse me" I said aburtly.
"I like that band" He said pointing to my All Time Low shirt.
"Im sure thats all you like." I furrowed my eyebrows. He chuckled a little.
"Well it is a very well fitting shirt" He said glancing at my chest again. I slapped his arm so he would stop staring. It actually makes me alot more unconfertable than he thinks but I decided to go with it.
"That is why I choose to wear it." I said in a ovious tone. We chucked and he stared a me for a few seconds before speaking again.
"Listen I wanted to ask you what you meant in-" He was interrupted by the bell ringing for last period to begin and the teacher beginning to speak.
"Alright class where ever you are sitting now is where you will be sitting the rest of the year and dont even think of changing because I will be keeping track.......Consider it my gift to you." He said with a cold toothless smile.
I looked at Calum who was just wiggling his eyebrows in a flirty way. Oh no. I have to be next to this arrogant ass for two periods and who knows about the other periods. Fucking awsome.
"You've got to be shitting me." I said agravatted and slummped back in my seat.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."