The school bell rang signaling the end of 6th period. I picked up my bag and slid my glasses back on. Ok, seventh period is next.
I can't believe me and Calum forgot to do the project. It was so simple! I mean there're were definitely some road blocks but still I should have been done. I don't know what were going to do.
I walked into Mr. Kemps class and almost immediately he started screaming at me.
"Excuse me I don't allow hoodies or sun glasses in my class room!!" He boomed. I stopped but didn't turn around.
"You either take them off or I confiscate them." He said sternly.
I slowly slid off my glasses and hoodie. There were various amounts of gasps and comments. I just rushed to my seat and hung my head low.
A lot of kids from my middle school came to this high school. My died hair and piercing became a mask. Without my piercings I'm afraid someone might recognize me from middle school.
The passing period bell rang and just as it did Calum came rushing in and took his assigned seat next to me. He sneakily flashed me a smile that I almost didn't see.
"Mr. Hood how nice of you to join us. Since you were the last in you and Ms. Sanchez should be the first to present your project." He spoke. Both our faces went pale. Just as I was going to speak up Calum started.
"I-I was messing around a lot and we were never able to finish it sir. It was my fault." My eyes widened at the lies Calum was saying. I can't believe he took the blame.
Mr. Kemp furrowed his eyebrows and kept silent for a while. Tension filling the room.
"Mr. O' Brien and Ms. Johnson come present your project." He finally spoke. I let a breath out that I have been holding in.
"Mr. Hood and Ms. Sanchez please come up to my desk." He danded. I heard Calum loudly gulp. Just as I was about to stand up I felt Calum's hand squeeze mine under the desk. I looked over to him and smiled.
We got up and walked over to Mr. Kemps desk. We stood there awkwardly waiting for what he was going to punish us with. After a while I got very impatient.
"Can you just give us our punishment so we could move along." I said very irritated. He looked up from his paper work and stared at me.
"Now is that any way to speak to someone who's giving you a second chance." He said and I looked at him shocked. He put down his pen.
"Here's what I am going to do. As you know this was a big assignment that basically counted for your whole grade." We nodded knowing this.
"I looks like you to have gotten to know each other a little better." He said. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"You two are quite the opposites on the social scale. So.....I would like a personalized song that you want to dedicate to each other. I want a description as to why you picked that song and you will preform it in front of the whole class." He said and pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. I am currently in shock.
"S-Sir when is it due." Calum nervously asked.
"May 30th" He answered. I looked at Calum who bit his lip. Which drives me crazy but I have to contain myself at this moment. We both nodded and returned back to our seats.
I sat in my seat and just contemplated what the hell am I going to do for this new project. The bell then rang signaling then end of the day. Calum got up and left. Suddenly I felt a buzz in my back pocket.
From CalPal:
I ll see you at my car😏
To CalPal:
I'll be the one that looks like a blue berry😏😏
I giggled and looked up to see Mr. Kemp staring at me. I was really awkward so I just ran out of class and over to the parking lot.
A/n: Hello my home skillets jk well this is just a filler on their project stuff. Sorry if it's really short but their is going to be a lot of action after this chapter so brace your self.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."