"Why are you laghing?" Luke said while droping his skateboard down on the pavement.
"Have you seen your face!" I said with sarcasm and laghed even harder. Luke stared and then started to lagh and I dropped my skateboard and we started to get going.
"No really." He said now getting more sirious.
"I just thought it was funny that one of you guys are always waiting for me every morning and I dont even ask you too...its nice I guess."
"We're just horny." I looked at him, shocked and punched him in the arm, making him lose balence and almost fall off his board.
"Ouch..." He said while rubbing his shoulder. "Im just kidding. We all love you Kylie. Me and the boys know how much you been through...I mean you know as much as you want to tell us." He mumbled the last part. I dont tell the boys everything but they know more than anyone else even my mother. He shouldnt get angry, its my life and I dont have to be a open book.
"So what?Do you feel all sorry for me? Shit, I guess thats why you guess put up with my all crap." I mumbled, angry at what he said. I started to push my board faster so I can avoid him. He stopped and got of his board his board causing me too do the same.
"Kylie, you are not going to lose your shit right now, espesilly because of me. You know that is not what I meant at all." He ran a hand through his blonde hair, messing up the perfect quiff he had.
Oviously he is angry because he thinks I might have a blow up right now. I dont even fucking know if I will...it just happens. Espesilly right now just about anything will tick me off. Me and Luke have never been in a huge fight. Luke is the nicest person I have ever met. You just cant be mad at him. He is a great friend. He dosnt deserve the shit he gets sometimes. One time this slutty bitch Destiny Eban started a rumor he was gay. I beat that whores face in for the second time...but as far as shes concerned its the first. In realization I was getting angry at Luke, I relaxed and did the breathing exersize my doctor taught me to do in these situations.
"Im sorry." I mumbled and looked down at the ground, embarresed of my lack of controll.
"Dont be sorry. This isnt your fault." He stepped closer and started to rub my arm which caused me to look up to him.
"Look, we have had our misunderstandings but I could not imagine getting into a fight with you. You are like my sister. There is nothing I wont do for you. I meant, that through all the crap and pain you went through...I was with you, me and the boys. We all see how much pain your going through, even though you dont tell us we know...we will always know. You are not alone Kylie, Im with you right here right now. You dont have to be alone." He said not letting go of my my sight. Not knowing what to say I just jumped towards his, wrapped my arms around his neck and burried my face in his soulder.
I am so thankful to have a friend like him. I be lost without him. I wanted to just cry into his shoulder but I held back my tears. Even with Luke I cant cry. The only time any of the boys have seen me cry was at my uncles funeral. I wish I could just break down these walls I have. I am just so damn scared. Its a habit. It really fucking sucks that I cant even trust my best friends. I am alone. They just dont realize that they cant help me...no one can.
"Ms.Sanchez!!!!!" Mr. Webbs deep voice ehcoed through my ear causing me to slowly pick my head up.
"What the fuck do you want." I said groggley. I am tierd as shit man. I didnt go to sleep intill 2:00 in the morning.
"This is a class room not a nursery." He said trying to prove a point.
"No shit. I pretty sure 4 year old kids dont have boobs and facial hair." I said in a ovious tone and the whole class started to crack up. Just then I heard him and it snapped me out of the minni word war I was having with my teacher. His beautiful lagh. I tried not to look at Calum but I knew he was smiling so it made me smile alittle. Whoa, what the hell am I doing I am not 12. I need to stop acting like I am.Almost instantly I wipped my smile off my face.
"Just keep the sleeping and profanity to a minimum in my class!" He said practically yelling. I just soluted him as if he were a officer because thats .how the dick-wad was acting.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."