I felt.........
I felt...but now in this moment I feel nothing. You would expect me to be broken, torn apart, completely bewithered. The thing is you only get to feel so many times before it becomes numb, everything becomes numb. Its a temporary numbness before the real pain kicks in.
For some reason I stopped and looked back at the crowd of people. It was absolute chaos. Suddenly I spotted Michael who looked to be furiously screaming at Calum and Calum just looked emotionless against all of Michaels furrry. That was untill Michael puched Calum square in the jaw. All to quickly they went down to the floor. Michael throwing endless punches with the exeption of a few from Calum. Calum started to slowly give up but Michael didnt care. I cant take it.
"Stop!!!!!" I screamed even though no one heard me from my distance. Just as I was about to run back someone grabbed me from behind. I spun around to see Rylie. Her eyes blood shot with tears staining her face. I looked down to her hand to see one of the flyers crumpled in her dainty hand.
"Dont you dare defend him." She warned through tears and gritted teeth. I knew she was angry about me not telling her all of this.
"Rylie, I-I-Im so sorry." I pleaded but she just kept shaking her head.
"Go home Kylie!" She demanded. I stared at her but she wouldnt budge. I turned around and started walking. I curiously looked back one last time to see Michael and Calum bieng dragged off. I huffed and started walking back home. Feeling completely defeated in every way but still numb.
I walked up my drive way and into my house. I laid on my bed not knowing what to do. Suddenly I got a rush of determination. I walked into my sisters abandoned bedroom and over to her vanitey where she left the papper with her imformation on it.
I just wanted to know one thing. So I typed in the hotel number she gave me into my cell phone. It only took three rings intill a perky voice.boomed through the phone.
"Sydney inn! How can I help you?" She perkily greeted.
"Is Alexis Sanchez still staying here?" I curiously asked.
"Give me a moment." She said as I heard various typing in the back round.
"Actually she just checked out yesterday night." She stated and I mumbled 'of course' under my breath.
"What was that?" She quetioned.
"Nothing, thank you thats all I needed." I answered and quickly hung up.
Of course she left. Thats what she does best. She runs from everything and anything. She didnt even wait for me. I dont even know why I expected her too. I fell back on my bed.
You know in a way I think this temporary numbness is verybitter-sweet. Sweet in the way that it like a gift to those who hurt to much. Bitter in the way that the its only temporary and you never know when all the hurt and defeat come racing back.
I laid there staring at my plain old white cieling...again just drowning in my thoughts.
Im not just sit here and wait for my pain to catch up to me. I aburtly got up and grabbed my jacket and car keys. I got in the car and sped off towards the hospital.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."