*My milk shake brings all the boy to the yard and their like its better than yours damn right it's better than-*
I groaned and pressed ignore to whoever was calling me. I am so fucking tierd. After me and Calum danced the night away with my terrible dance moves we came back to my house. His mum called and wanted him back home because she caught a cold. Now I'm laying in bed with a terrible cold.
Calum had also programmed my ringtone to the song milkshake by Kelis. He is such a dork.
*my milk shake brings all the bo-*
I angrily picked up my phone without checking my caller Id.
"What the fuck do you want?" I grumbled. I heard a scoff come through the other side.
"Some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed...and why are you sleeping in you never sleep in?!?" I recognized the voice to be Rylies.
"I have a cold Ry. What do you want?" I asked impatiently.
"We have a, uh, emergency over here....." She paused and I heard shuffling and yelling in the background. I started to get worried.
"Ry what happening?" I asked worriedly.
"Ok well uh....the boys and I stopped by 7-11 and we found....." There was more shuffling on the other line. "Well we found Michael shit face drunk, passed out in the gutter at 7-11." I just went into shock.
"What the fuck? How?" I asked.
"I don't know-Michael stop!!!!...Luke go get him- but anyways he woke up still drunk and he won't listen to us or get in the car at all." She sounded really worried.
"Ok...Im on my way right now." I said hurriedly.
"Hurry-Michael you fucki-" The line just went dead. I have zero time to change. I got up out of bed, slipped on my pj pants, some black sandals, and put my hair up in a short low pony tail. I grabbed my car keys and phone and got going.
As soon as I pulled into the 7-11 parking lot I saw half naked Michael dancing in front of the 7-11 windows.
"What the fuck is this?!?" I said sort of angry that they didn't try to control him. As the boys tried to get Michael, Rylie walked over to me.
"He just started taking his clothes off and wouldn't stop." She stated.
I looked at Michael, trying to decide what to do. I can't just let him make a fool of him self. Sure he was a big ass towards me but were best friends. I'm gonna try to help him. I walked over to the boys who were trying to grab Michael.
"Look lad Kylie's here." Luke said and pointed at me. Michael instantly turned around and stared me up and down.
"You-you...are not Kylie." He said sounding completely wasted. "You have...very, blue, hair." He said in a matter a fact tone and pointed at me. Like a little kid who was meeting a like a little kid who just met a weird reletive.
"Hey mate, it me Kylie, I would like if you could put you clothes back on." I tried to say nicely.
"You may not be Kylie but you are hot so......" He dragged on. Then suddenly he pressed his palm against my bare brest. Shit I forgot to wear I bra. Shocked faces spread across the boys and Rylie. Anger started coursing through my veins. Fuck nicely!
"Oh you've done it now mate." Danny said noticing my very red face. I back handed Michael right on the back of his head really hard, my hand started throbbing. Michael whined and held his he'd in pain.
I have just about had enough. I have a stupid cold, my friends woke me up in the middle of my sleep, and now I have just been fucking violated all within a hour. Well some one better be prepared for some back lash and it's probably going to be Michael. I grabbed his ear and yanked him along as he kept wincing at the pain. I tugged him along to the van and shoved him inside.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."