Calum's P.O.V
9:00 pm
I pulled up into Kylie's driveway and turned off the ignition. After hours of self convincing and a little lecturing from Ashton. I decided that I needed to do this.
Suddenly I heard a loud crash and screaming from inside the house. I hopped out of the car and ran up the drive way and through the door which was unlocked as always.
I stood there for a moment until I heard another large crash and glass shattering. The noise was coming from up stairs. I ran up the stairs and up to a room I have never been in before.I hesitantly turned the door nob and slowly opened the door.
Just as I did Kylie grunted and chucked a picture frame at the wall. It shattered against the wall. The floor was covered in shattered glass, broken picture frames, ripped up pictures, and a box with one picture frame still in it .
Kylie picked up the last picture. Her hands covered in blood. She intensely looked at the picture tear rolling down her face. Suddenly it went flying across the room shattering against the wall like all the others. She fell to the ground and started to cry. Each of her heavy breaths sounding like a scream.
I wanted nothing more than to help her but I couldn't find the strength to even move. It feels like someone ripped my heart out and stomped on it. I feel broken. I will murder who ever did this to her.
She looked up to where I am standing, acknowledging my presence. She looked back down to her bloody hands and cried even harder. I ran over to her and placed my hands under her thighs and lifted her up as she rested her arms on my shoulders.
I carried her into a bathroom and sat her on top of the sink. I stepped back and took in her appearance.
She looked lifeless. The only thing she was wearing was an over sized t-shirt. There was a light scar forming on her forehead from her cut. Her beautiful brown eyes are puffy and blood shot red. She looks very pale. Her hands, knees and feet were all covered in blood. There was dry tears and mascara smeared on her face.
"Here Ky, let me help you with that." I motioned towards her hands but she flinched away.
"Don't call my that." She mumbled but I could barely here it.
"What?" I asked and she looked up at me anger filling her face.
"I said don't call me that!!!" She yelled and pushed me away from her. Now leaving bloody hand prints on my white shirt.
I stumbled back a little and looked up at her in shock. She looked at me and then back down to her hands, her mouth in a o-shape, tears filling up her eyes again. The looked on her face was as if she was shocked as to what she has done. Like she didn't know what she was doing.
I motioned towards her but she quickly flinched away again. A tear rolling down her face.
"Please don't do that." I begged and she looked up at me. "Please don't cry because then I might cry and will probably lose any masculinity I have left." I said and slowly wiped the tears away with my thumb.
She looked straight into my eyes and we held there. Even in how she may look now she is still breathtakingly beautiful. Then she looked down into her lap and I took a step back.
"My hands." She murmured facing her palms towards me.
"Right, um...." I looked around the bathroom and spotted a little towel.
I slowly reached for her hands and placed them under the water. I lightly rinsed most the blood of her hands. I then cleaned all the little cuts in her hands and took out the pieces of glass that were stuck inside. I did the same for her knees and feet.
"Do you have a first aid kit." I ask after I was done cleaning her cuts.
She pointed to under the sink. I reached in the cabinets under the sink and found the first aid kit. I shuffled around some stuff but found the gauze I was looking for. I wrapped her hands and feet up but only put a couple band aids on her knees since they weren't badly cuts like her hands and feet.
"How do you know how to do all of this?" She spoke up. I was silent for a moment being sort of uneasy about the question.
"My dad used to be a doctor." I simply answered.
"Used to?" She questioned and I sighed and sat on the edge of the bath tub across from her.
"My dad passed away five years ago. He was...uh.....murdered." I said a little uneasy about this subject. Kylie looked down again.
"Oh my God. I am so sorry. I am such a idiot for asking." She spoke. I looked up at her shocked at how she had just put herself down.
"No it fine. It's been a long time. I mean I can't run and cry every time someone brings it up." I said trying to comfort her. She gave me a weak smile and then another terrible silence came over us.
"So are you going to tell what happened back there?" I dared to ask asked. Kylie just kept quiet and didn't even look up from her lap.
"Kylie, please." I begged.
"There's nothing to say." She argued and raised her voice a little.
"Jesus, why are you so fucking difficult?!? Obviously something happened in there. All I want to fucking do is get to know you!" I raised my voice.
"I am not some one you want to 'get to know'!!!There're things about me that you don't want to know!!!!" She defended herself. I scoffed.
"Get out." She mumbled. I stood there shocked.
"Get out!"she yelled once more.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."