Kylies P.O.V
I pull my keys out of my pocket and put my house key in the key hole. I opened the door and walked inside. I heard the sound of paws hitting the hard wood floore in my house. No way. Just then I saw my dog race down the stairs to greet me.
"Penny!!!!!!" I nelt down on my knees and was soon met be big wet kisses. I gave her a great big hug and kissed the top of her head.
"What are you doing back so early?" I asked knowing she wouldnt answer of course.
Penny is my blue nose Pit Bull. She has one blue and one brown eye. She was at the vet because she had to have surgery on her leg. My dumb ass mum left the front door open and Penny ran out and got hit by a car. Thankfully, the hit wasnt hard enough to kill her but she screwed up her leg pretty bad. After her surger she had to stay in recovery. She was there for over a month but I didnt think she was coming back today. Thank God too. I missed her so much. She is my baby. She is the most sentimental thing in the world to me. I know it sounds stupid but she is my bestfriend when I know I have no one and I definetly need her right now.
"Come on Penny!!!" I ran up the stairs and into my bed room which she was probobly chillen in before I came.
I plopped on my bed and Penny jumped up and cuddled next to me. She was just big enough to where she felt like a actuall person but with fur. We always did this. Every time I was home we would cuddle for a while on my bed. Sometimes I would cry and she would lick my tears away and I would talk to her about my problems, tell her every aspect of my life and she would just look at me with her blue and brown eyes. Dogs are mans best friend and she is my best friend.
I know I am not the holiest person but I think God brought her to me to be my new best friend when my older sister had left.
I was 13 and it was the summer vacation before my 8th grade year of middle school.
Kylies Flashback
"Where the fuck were you!Why did you take so long to get home." My mum screamed at me as I walked through the door.
"At the skate park. Why do you give a damn?!?" I screamed right back to her.
"God, why do you even bother its not like you have any friends there. Do somthing better with your life for once." She said and then took another sip of her wine.
"Why dont you sober up and then talk to me about my future." I said and turned around and walked up to my sisters room like I usually do after I get home.
"Fuck up!!!" She screamed.
"At least I have somthing beter to do than get druck in the lonleyness of my own home!" I sreamed from the top of the stairs and nocked on my sister door.
"Come in!!!" She yelled over the blasting music. I turned the knob, walked in and plopped next to her on her bed. She turned down the music and turned over and started to cuddle with me. She knew I was sad. She always knows when I am upset in any way.
"What happend Ky?" She said. Her and my uncle were the only people who called me that.
"I dont even know Alex. I just-I dont want to have to be so mean to mum." I said tears forming in my eyes and blurring my vision. I burried my head in the crook of her neck and she held me tighter.
"Ky, mum is a bitch to you and you dont deserve dont deserve any of it." She sighed heavily as I cried harder into her shoulder.
"We have a really really fucked up life but we cant walked around our whole life bieng a puching bag. We are better than that no matter how many times we fail. Remember what uncle used to tell us" I nodded but cried even harder. Our uncle died last month in a car crash. Its really hard for me and Alex. We miss him so so much.
"We cant give up, ok." She said. I could feel her breathing heavy and then I felt a tear fall on my cheek. She was crying too. It was always sort of conferting to know I wasnt the only one hurting. Alex is always so strong, for her and for me. When she cried I knew it was ok for me to cry.
"Just because he-he is d-gone dosnt mean his promise left with him. We have to stay strong, you have to stay strong for uncle and for me." She said, tears still falling on my cheek from her weary eyes.
"I promise.......................Alex?" I said my tears finally begining to dry up.
"Yea" She said and realeased me from her embrace. I looked into her eyes and could see her tears have dried too.
"I love you sis." I said. She pulled me in for a hug.
"I will always love you more Ky." She spoke into my hair. I looked over her sholder. I saw a silver tray on her desk with a little pile of white powder on it and a little tube. I knew exactly what it was. Cocaine.
"I thought you quit." I said letting go of her. She turned around to see the object my eyes were glued on.
"I could do whatever I want. Im 17." She said and walked over to her desk chuckleing.
"I know that but arent drug dealers not suppose know.........." I said not knowing exactly how to finish my statment.
"Do drugs?" She said finishing my sentence. I nodded.
"Well it isnt exactly good for business but Im not in it for business." She stated.
"Not anymore" I mumbled. Alex's face stiffend when I said that.
"Ky, I dont help him anymore. All he did was get me started. He minipulated me so that I could get him some more money. He is a evil man Ky. You need to stay away from him at all costs." She pleaded me.
"He is gone." I said
"Not Forever." She told while looking straight into my eyes.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."