Kylie's P.O.V
The whole time Calum was telling me his life story I wouldn't look up from my lap. I couldn't face him while he was explaining all this to me. Yeah I am fucking scarred. I don't know what I agreed to. Am I really going to tell him everything? I do trust him. I just don't think he'll understand me.
I know I like him. He was there for me and he actually made me smile and laugh. I went from wanting to rip his head off to wanting him, every last part of him. I need him but he doesn't need me. I am bad for him and I know it.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when he said something that caught my attention.
"Next thing I know some doctors called saying he committed suicide. He was diagnosed with depression so he was always struggling but everyone blamed his death on me and I eventually did to." He said and I finally looked up from my lap.
I thought his life was perfect to be honest. I was wrong. His life is anything but perfect . This actually made me feel more comfortable to open up to Calum.
He looked at me expectingly and I took a deep breath.
I decided I still won't tell him about any of middle school and him.
"Uh...My name is Kylie Elizabeth Sanchez. I grew up here in Sydney. I play the piano and guitar. I also sing alittle. I love punk rock music. I have a passion for skating but I don't want to make a career out of it. I actually have no clue what I want to be. I am not popular as far as I'm concerned. I actually think every body hates me and thinks I'm a whore and actually that whole 'me having sex with John' was a big lie he made up because I denied to have sex with him. I am a secret nerd. I love anything si-fi and comic books. I basically live and breath the Star Wars series. Books are my life and writing is a big passion of mine. I write songs, poems, story's, quotes, anything really. I have asthma. I don't like people to know all this about me but I am telling you anyways.....I basically don't have a family. I had a sister but she left a long time ago. My uncle died. My dad, uh...died. As a kid my mom and I had a good connection. Then she started drinking and we drifted apart. As you know she is sick with lung cancer and her kidneys are failing. The doctors told me she only has about a month to live this morning. I also have a impulse disorder also known as anger issues which is what you saw happening in there." I finished my story.
Calum's eyes were completely glued on me. It look as if he was absorbing everything I had just said. His eyebrows were knitted together. Wow, I knew he wouldn't understand.
"That's the whole story?" He questioned, his eyebrows knitted together.
I knew it wasn't but there are just some things better left unsaid. "Yup." I lied.
Suddenly his frown turned into a big smile and he engulfed me in another one of his hugs. He always smelled of cologne and apples. Weird but good. I scooted up onto his lap so that there was no room between us in this hug. Calum didn't mind one bit. I don't know why I fell so comfortable with him. He makes me feel a little less lonely but I have to keep reminding myself we can never be.
"Kylie?" I heard Calum speak up from behind me just as I was closing my eyes. We have been cuddling for hours. Calum's arm tightly wrapped around my waist. I just started to drift off into a slumber.
"Mhm" I tiredly replied.
"Do you believe in love?" He asked and my eyes shot open.
"No." I said firmly. He was silent for a second.
"Why?" He asked again. I am to tiered to fight.
"I found out the hard way that fairy tales and unconditional love doesn't exist not even in books. The whole concept is overrated." I spoke truthfully.
"What happend?" He asked again.
I sighed. "Once upon a time there was a young girl who did believe in love. All of a sudden, she changed. She came back a completely different person. With a new mindset, a new out look, a new soul. That little girl that once cared too much about everything and everyone, no longer cared at all." I said.
"I don't like that story." Calum complained like a child. I started to giggle.
And in that moment I realized...I don't like that story either.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."