I stared at her shocked. I then turned around ready to walk out of this house. Instead I just stood there for a second.
"No." I stated firmly and turned around to face Kylie. She looked surprised but angry. She stayed silent so I took it as a chance to continue.
"I am not going to leave until you fucking tell what happend!" I yelled.
"MY MOM HAS CANCER AND IS GOING TO DIE!!!!" She quickly screamed, tears now rolling down her face. My face immediately dropped.
"Is that what you wanted to her you dick." She sobbed.
I stepped forward and embraced her in a big hug which she surprisingly excepted. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she clamp her arms around my neck. I felt her heavy breathing against my chest and I heard her soft sobs muffled by my shoulder.
"Shh, shh" I tried to calm her and gently stroked her beautiful lilac hair.
"I am not going to say everything's going to be okay because nothing about this is okay. People kept on telling me that at my dad's funeral. I wanted to punch them in the face. Not-that it will happen to you. I was just, I-I...uh...Oh dear God." I had no idea where I was trying to go with that.
Suddenly the sobs stopped and I heard Kylie let out a soft laugh. She slowly pulled away and had a faint smile. I mentally fist pumped the air. Holy crap this is a miricle. Is she actually smiling. Wow this is so amazing. It is because of me to. I fell like I just accomplished a life goal. Wait, why am I making such a big deal out of this? I am so weird. Why do I have to be so odd. It was just a smile no need to have a orgasm over it. Even though Kylie's smile is beyond perfect with her pl-
My thoughts were cut off by another laugh coming from Kylie. I instantly snapped out of my trance and looked at her.
"Your babbling again." She spoke softly but I looked at her confused.
"You make a face when you zone out. It's kinda funny because you'll make different facial expressions as if your having a mental war with yourself." She explained further.
"Oh" I blushed since I was sorta having a 'mental war with myself'.
"It's kinda cute." She mumbled so low I almost didn't hear it and then quickly looked down to her lap.At that moment I threw a mini party in my head. Did she mean it? You know what I don't care either way this is a step up from hating me.
"I want to get to know you." I spoke not realizing what I said. She didn't answer and kept her head down.
"I know you don't want me to but I want to. I really don't know why and I know you think it might be odd but it was like the first day I saw you I-" Kylie cut me off.
"Your babbling again." She smiled again. I looked at her and smiled.
"What I am trying to say is that I know you don't trust many people. I get it, I know it's a fucked up world. I know I have to gain your trust so that's just what I will do." I said and Kylie looked up from her lap.
I took a deep breath. Okay this is it I will tell her everything.......
"Before we get to deep in all this soul searching, I think I need sit somewhere more comfy than a bathroom sink." She said and I laughed a little.I picked her up bridal style and started to walk out.
"What are you doing?" She laughed.
"Well you sorta can't walk and what kind of man would I be to ignore a damsel in distress." I said dramatically and gently put her on her bed. I sat on the edge and Kylie looked at me urging me to continue.
"My name is Calum Thomas Hood. I grew up in Sydney, Australia. I have a passion for soccer and music. I play guitar, sing a little and love punk rock music. I am popular in school which sucks because I can never be myself, I always have to act like a dick. The only thing I read is comics. My favorite marvel hero is Captain America which you already know. I am oddly good at math. I also have a compulsive disorder. As for my family, I have a mom and a sister. My sister is 2 years older than me and is about to start her first year at Harvard. I am always compared to her about everything. My mom is a cop and is barely ever home. My dad was a doctor and as you know...dead. When I was 7 my parents got divorced and when I turned 13 me and my dad got into a huge fight. One thing led to another and when my mom tried to break it up my dad socked her in the back of the head. She passed out and had a bad concision. I did everything possible to ignore my dad for a couple months. Next thing I know some doctors called saying he committed suicide. He was diagnosed with depression so he was always struggling but everyone blamed his death on me and I eventually did to." I said.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."