Calum P.O.V
"Calum, Caum!!!" Ashton waved his hand in front of my face.
"Huh?... Oh, yeah. What's up Ash?" I spokeso nonchalantly.
As if I haven't been thinking about Kylie non stop all day. I just can't get her out of my head. She hasn't been at school a whole week. I know I upset her on Monday but I was trying to apologize and she wouldn't let me.
Fucken shit, I mean I know I am in the wrong here and I know I fucked up and she probably doesn't want to see me. That doesn't mean she has to skip school and all. When I tried to ask Danny and Luke they told me to fuck off and leave her alone and Michael has been m.i.a all month. Shit, I even walked by the skate park and she wasn't there. I am just worried about her.
"Earth to Calum." Ash snapped his fingers in front of my face.
"Oh, sorry what were you saying?" I ask no really caring.
"Mate what is up with you? You have been like this ever since Tuesday. We haven't sat with Daniel and all them for a week." Ash said with a questionable look on his face.
"It's her Ash." I said and rubbed my face with my hands.
"Who, Kylie?" He asked.
"I can't stop thinking about her." I said.
"What is so special about her?" He took a bite of his banana.
"She likes our kind of music mate." He looked up at me his mouth in a o-shape. Me and Ash have the same taste in music but we haven't met any one else who does to.
"Holy shit! Really?!?" He squealed. we get really exited about these sorts of things.
"Green day, John Mayer, Mayday Parade, Good Charlotte, All time low." He laid some down and I just kept nodding. He squealed again.
"That's just fucking amazing. What else?" He asked continuing to eat his banana.
"I act different around her, good different. It's like I can be myself. Same for her. I mean she is no where near what everybody else makes her out to be. She's smart, nice, funny, and has the most amazing smile and her laugh is like, wow....." Ash butt in.
"Don't forget she is hot as hell." He said with a mouth full of banana.
"Yeah, but she is so much more than that. I wanna get to know her, mate." I said and he looked at me strange.
"Calum Hood wants to 'get to know a girl'. I don't think I have ever heard those words come out of your moulth." He said shocked. I just shrugged.
"You really like her. Don't you?" He said intensely staring at me.
"Maybe or I-I don't know. I am so confused." I angrily ran a hand through my hair.
"I think you need to talk to her Cal." He said.
"I know but she can be so stubborn and complicated and........." I stopped and slammed my fist on the table.
"Look mate, I am gonna leave this decision completely up to you. I have never seen you act this way about a girl before so If you think you really like her then go after her. If she is so frustrating then just talk that shit out because you are probably just as frustrating to her, maybe even more." He lectured.
"But she is so closed off. It's like her life is a secret." I said flustered.
"She probably doesn't trust anyone. I mean could you blame her we live in a pretty shitty world. You just gotta earn her trust but in her own time." He said and I took everything into deep thought.
You go ash!!!!!!!!!
I fucking love him. Ashton you little shit you.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfic"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."