It was almost the end of the period. We did the usual and wrote our own original songs and passed it up like a essay. I havent talked to Calum all period. Not like I care. It was interesting though, how we have been ignoring eachother all month and suddenly my feelings is now on his list of things to give a fuck about. So strange. I thought he hated me. He probobly does, he just wants to "figure me out" and get me to like him just so he can get in my pants. Fuck, this is like freshman year all over again. Calum Hood is no different the the rest of these arogant, egotistical, horny jerks in this school.
"Listen up students" My teacher said trying to get everyones attention.
"Do you guys remember the project I told you about last week?" He said and most of the kids in the class room simultaneously nodded thier heads. I wasnt here last week so I have no idea what he is talking about.
"Good, well project pairing is today. I am going to be reading off the everybodys partner." He said grabbing a piece of papper.
"Remember students this is a very big portion of your grade and whoever wins gets a very pretty collage recomandation from me" He said and started reading off names.
Fuck, I was hoping to blow this one off but if I do that there is no way I will pass this class. I usually dont give a fuck about this shit but I do at least want to graduate. Now I am not saying straight A's and shit. I mean I haven't had an A ever since 7th grade, pretty sad but I definetely dont want to be stuck in this hell hole another year. So if that means getting by with a D so be it, whatever. I need to do this project or that wont even happen but what did he mean by "whoever wins". Is it a compition too or somthing.
"Calum Hood," He said "And.............."
Calums P.O.V
"Calum Hood," I looked up to see who Mr.Kemp would pair me with.
"And Kylie Sanchez" He said and my eyes widened. Mr.Kemp stood there staring right at me with his thin lips formed into a straight line. This wasnt a joke. This was real, it was happening, and Kylie was not happy about it.
"Your shitting me." She said in a angry tone. Just then the bell rang and she stood up and stormed out of the classroom mumbleing somthimg under her breath but I couldnt make it out. It was probobly somthimg rude about me or Mr.Kemp.
I grabbed my things and ran out off the room to try and catch up to Kylie. This is a big portion of our grade. I know Kylie dosnt want to flunk. She may hate me but she hates this school even more and she definetely doesn't want to spend another year here. I sure as hell dont want to spend another year here.
I saw her making her way to the front door and I yelled after her, speeding up.
"Kylie!!!!!" I yelled while getting weird looks from the people in the hallway. She just kept going and left through the doors. I was not going to give up so I started running. I saw her in the courtyard about to get on her skateboard.
"Kylie, please!!!!!" I yelled after her again. She whipped around and started walking towards me. I stopped dead in my tracks.
"What Calum?!?" She spat at me.
"Our project. It sord-of needs to be done with two people." I said sarcastically.
"No shit. I believe I already figured that out." She shot back.
"We'll then, are you going to invite me over, or what babe." I said giving her a seductive smile.
"Why can't we go to your house?!?" She snapped back again.
"Whoa, babe, I didn't know you are in such a rush to get it on. I think we should take it slow babe." I laughed at my own joke.
"Give me your hand." She said and pulled out a pen point black sharpie.
"Absolutely baby." I said and gave her my hand. She started writing something.
"For fucks sake! stop calling me that." She said in a angry tone and finished up her writing. She backed up and stuck her sharpie in her bag. I realized she wrote her address on my hand and the time 5:00.
"Why couldn't you just give your number like a normal person." I said confused.
"I thought you said you wanted to take it slow." A smile tugged on one side of her mouth and she got on her skateboard and was gone.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."