Calums P.O.V
As I ran out of the school I saw Rylie crying on a bench, Luke yelling on the phone and Danny looking like he just saw a ghost. Then Michael ran out towards then in a hurry.
I walked over to Rylie. "What happened?" I asked but she just looked at me an shook her head.
"Danny what's going on?" I asked again. Looking as if I snapped him out of a trance.
"You didn't hear?" He said and I got very worried.
"Hear what?!?" I said panicked. He took a deep breathe.
"Kylie's mom just died and Kylie just tried to commit suicide in the hospital." He said and all my worry turned into absolute fear.
"Shes okay right!!!" It coming out more as a statement but fear still laced in my words.
"That's what Luke is trying to figure out. They said she passed on and hit her head pretty hard on the floor." He said completely out of it.
"She just has a minor cuncusion. They said she should be awake soon. Let's get goings we need to be with her!" He said to everyone and everyone picked up their skate bords and dashed too Rylies car. I trialed behind them until Luke stopped me.
"Its not a good idea Calum. She needs time for this but I'll update you about her." He said and left me standing there to drown in my regret of the words I didn't say.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfic"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."