Laughter filling the cold hospital room. I can't help but soak in every mili second I can.
"Ew, he was like 20 years younger than you." I scrunched up my face.
"How was I suppose to know. You know he had a really big d-" I cut her off.
"Oh my shit, ew, nonononono. You can just stop there." I waved my hands around and we both bursted into another fit of laughter.
All of a sudden she burst out harshly coughing. I hopped out of my seat and ran over to her side if the bed. She held her had up to stop me.
"It okay. I'm fine. Sometimes it hard when your constantly fighting for air." A complete silence washed over us for a while.
"Why don't you hang out with your friends." I gave her a weird look.
"Not that I don't want you here. It's just- you know you have been her everyday for 3 days straight and... well.....who wants to hang out with their sick mother." She hesitantly spoke and I just stared at her in silence.
I honestly am enjoying my time with her but I know there something more. I just am being stubborn as always.
"I do." I simply stated.
"Are you havering friend problems, maybe the b word." I knew what she was hinting but I didn't care.
"As if." I scoffed. She faintly smiled and shakes her head.
"Don't do that. Don't just shut me out like that." She pleaded.
"How would you know!?!" I harshly asked.
"Because I know you. I was a terrible mother to you but I always knew exactly how you acted because I do the same thing." My face grew softer as she continued.
"Always putting these walls up, afraid to trust, always realistic maybe sometimes to realistic, independent. You can only be so strong until one day your just gonna brake." She said and I soon realized hot wet trails falling down my cheeks. She looked at me expectantly and I nodded my head.
"There's this guy.......he is not my boyfriend and I'm not quite sure I want him to be....."
"You don't like him?"
"No it's not like that. He actually is really sweet and funny and gorgeous. He always makes me smile." At that moment I caught myself smiling at the thought of Calum.
"But....." She urged me to get on with my point.
"But....Im scarred and doubtful. I scarred of what happens after we become official."
"What so scary about that?"
"I might fall for him." I said scared
"Who says your not already falling."
"That scares me even more."
"Do you think he likes you."
"I know he does."
"Then who says he hasn't already fallen for you."
"That petrifies me." I sighed.
"What are you afraid will happen. Is it that you don't want to get hurt?" She asked.
"No....I want him to be happy, that's all I want but I'm never going be his happy."
"Kylie, that not you choice. You can't decide if you make a person happy or not and then want to rip yourself away from them. He decides that but I think you already know the answer."
Suddenly I felt a buzz in my pocket. I took out my phone to see I got a text.
From CalPal:
Babe I know I told you you needed to do this alone but not for this long. I miss you *tear* *jk I'm a man* xoxo:)
A big smile plastered over my. Yeah, yeah I think I do know the answer. I looked back up to my fragile mother to see a smile already on her face which made me smile even bigger.
"How do you know this. I mean you did not have the best man in the world." We both scoffed and then she sighed.
"Well in high school there was a boy who I fell in love with. I was wealthy, he was not but he still had the hugest heart. He always blabbered on about wanting to become a teacher, it was cute....but I was a rich popular girl who mowed through guy faster that ever. Everyone worshiped me but not him and that made him an interest to me. After a while of hating each other we became friends. He was like no friend I ever had. He actually cared about me. He was the one but I was always to stubborn to believe that crap and so was he. I don't know how but we eventually taught each other how to love."
"What happened?" I questioned.
"We dated all through high school and some how made it through our first two years of college.....and then Victor happened. Victor got me pregnant with your sister. When he found out he wanted to make things work but I felt that I would just keep hurting him so I fucked up and ruined everything." She looked down to her lap.
"I'm sorry mom." I said sympathetically. She looked back up to me with tears in her eyes. I felt terrible.
"It's okay. It's not your fault at all but how about we change the subject." She smiled. I giggled at her sudden mood change.
"To what?" I sat criss-cross-apple sauce in my chair and leaned forward. She furrowed her eyebrows and I could tell she was in deep though. All of a sudden her face lit up with joy.
"How about a dying woman's last wish." I got a little sad at this remark but I didn't want to be a downer so I went along with it.
"And what would that be?" I questioned and a smile spread across her face.
"I never liked that purple on you....." I furrowed my eyebrows worried where she was going with this.
"Ta-Da!!!!" She shouted and took the hospital apron off that we used to keep the hair from getting on me.
My mom was a hair stylist so I don't think it will be terrible but fuck am I scarred. This is a complete 360 to my long lilac hair. I don't know how she talked me into doing this.
She handed me a mirror and I hesitantly turned to face my reflection.
I have shoulder length hair and instead of lilac it's light blue(compliments of me running to the hair store to buy dye). It actually doesn't look bad at all. I need to get used to the shortage of hair but it looks really good. My naturally wavy hair looks good short. I could get use to this.
"I look different.....good different." I said and she smiled.
"I thought you would like it, no matter how much you wined." She said proudly.
"Good different." I repeated into my reflection.
"Just think of it as a new you. Change is good." She said and wobbled her breathing machine along with her back over to her bed.
"Change" I whispered to myself.
New look peoples. I have been waiting a long time to drop this bomb.
Time for a new *cough cough* better cover. Btw the new cover will be exactly how Kylie looks now.
Don't worry I will be putting an explanation for those new comers in the first chapter in case of confusion.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."