*beep beep beep beep beep beep beep-*
"Shut the fuck up!" I said and slamed the snooze button on the top of my alarm clock without even looking up from my pillow.
I finally looked up at the clock. It reads 6:02 am.I trudge myself out of bed, regreting my desision to go to school today.Then again I regret every time I decide to go to school. I am not a morning person...like at all. So it baffles me that some fuck up person decided that it be great to scheduel school at the ass crack of dawn. Ugghhh!!!! I am not looking forward to today.I walk into the bathroom,strip off my huge blink-182 shirt, my underwear, all of my earings, my nose ring, turn the water on hot and grab my phone and put it in my ihome. Before getting in the shower I scroll through my playlist and found the perfect song to start with "Still breathing by Mayday Parade". I prest play and hopped in the shower, starting to sing along to the intro.
"Give me a reason to bieleve"
"'Cause I swear Im done here"
"'Cause Ive seen the bigger picture"
"And Im looking for some answers"
This is a great song, I love Mayday Parade....and of corse All Time Low, Sleeping with Sirens, Blink-182, All American Regects, Marianas Trench, Falling in Reverse, Pierce the Veil, Paramore, Red Jumpsuit Appartus, Escape the Fate, Panic at the Disco, Boys Like Girls, Simple Plan, A Day to Remember, Saving Anabel, Never Shout Never, James Town Story, and of course Green Day. I have a more punk rock taste in music and some rap but only the good ones like Kendric Lamar, Tupac or Asap Fergie. My music is my life.
I don't really exploit my music all that much because now-a-days every body is so main stream and just dying to fit in so they listen to these crap artists that use auto tune like its a life source. I don't mind some of the rappers but my out look on music is you gotta know where it all started. I want to be able to hear your audio of a song and then listen to the acoustic or live and it won't sound like crap. I look for the real artists and as semi hippi revolutionist as it sounds that's what I like. Some people have no clue who my bands are and some classify them as emo bands. Either way I don't care. My music, its what keeps me going and I don't need anyone's opinion on that.
Oooo, its my favorite part..........
"Times Racing (Please slow down)"
"I gotta find my way out"
"Im hopeless (But hoping)"
"My lungs wont fail me now"
"'Cause Im still breathing"
I let the song go on by itself and let myself foucus on washing my hair. I grabbed my Ausie shampoo and poured a couple dolups of shampoo in my hair and started scrubbing my scalp. My fingers making little tangles in my vibrant lilac hair. I quickly shave and wash my body then I rinse myself off and hop out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my petite body and run to my closet. For today I picked out my high waisted bue jeans, plain black crop top, all black vans and a coulple of my favorite band braclets. I quickly blow dried my hair leaving the natural beach waves in my lilac hair draping down my back. I put my black nose ring and six earings in. I applied my black masscara, top eye liner and some burgendy lip gloss. Today it was 96 degrees in Sydney so I wasnt going to wear a carigain or sweater. Satisfied with i apperence I put in my ear phones, grabbed my bag, my inhaler, my skateboard and was off. As soon as I walked out the door there was Luke waiting for me in front of my driveway. I gave him a toothy smile and locked my front door. I then walked towards him chuckleing.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."